Director's preface

Introducing GEMOC

GEMOC programs

GEMOC participants

GEMOC structure

GEMOC communications 2000

GEMOC's research program

Book Review: BYEHA

Research highlights

Teaching and training program: 

GEMOC honours
GEMOC postgraduate

Technology development program

Industry interaction

GEMOC's international links

GEMOC Funding

Benefits to Australia


1. Participants

2. Publications

3. Visitors

4. Abstract tiltes

5. Funded research projects

6. Flowsheets for Courses in Geology and Geophysics 

7. Advertisement for GEMOC Postgraduate opportunities

Contact details


Front Cover

Back Cover:  Big Ben on Heard Island.  Will Powell joined an Australian National Antarctic Research expedition to Heard Island in 2000, to collect mantle xenoliths from the basalts.  The analysis of these xenoliths will be linked with ongoing studies of similar material from Kerguelen Island to trace the evolution of the mantle lithosphere beneath this major oceanic plateau, and provide analogies to the early development of continents (see Research Highlights)

Back cover inset:   A sulfide inclusion in mantle-derived olivine from the Slave Province kimberlites, for in-situ analysis of Re and Os isotopes by LAM-MC-ICPMS.  Bottom, the raw material; top, mounted and polished, ready for analysis (see Research Highlights).

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Document: Contents00B.htm / Created: 11 April 2001.