Dissemination of information
summary of 1996 activities
formal communication in GEMOC
within nodes:
- regular seminars and meetings
- lecture series for postgraduates
- postgraduate seminar day
between nodes
- joint information and planning meetings for all participants
- project and project planning meetings of smaller groups
- regular meetings of director with co-directors (or nominee) of each node
- reciprocal seminars at each node
- other networking visits
- all GEMOC participants are on email for broadcast and individual communication
- joint fieldwork
communication with the scientific community
- refereed papers, book chapters (Appendix 3)
- conference presentations (Appendix 5)
- Links initiated with other institutions including visits and cooperation for equipment and resource sharing, include:
- Sydney University
- University of Newcastle
- La Trobe University
- Monash University
- Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU
- University of Technology, Sydney
- University of New South Wales
- University of New England
- Numerous Australian and international visitors are listed in Appendix 4. They have participated in
- collaborative research
- technology exchange
- seminars, discussions
communication with Industry
- Visits to and by Industry
- cooperation in technology development
- equity arrangements for new technology
- AMIRA meetings
- part-time research projects by industry people carried out during visits at Macquarie
- international contacts and collaboration (Canada, South Africa, UK, USA) by reciprocal visits and ongoing email
- short course participation
technology transfer and outreach
- organisation and sponsorship of workshops 1996
- IGC Special Symposium (see "International Links")
- Arc-related magmatism
- short courses presented by GEMOC 1996:
- Geothermal processes in the Earth
- Geochemical applications
- short courses presented or planned for 1997:
- State of the ARC , Arc-related magmatism conference, Adelaide, February 1997: co-sponsored by GEMOC
- Tectonic Evolution of East Asia and Southeast Asia (October 1997).
- Silicate analysis (Dr Phil Potts, visitor at ANU)
- Geochemical applications (July 1997).
- Australasian ICPMS Conference (May 1997): organised and cosponsored (with Perkin-Elmer Australia and Thermo Australia)
- Visits by delegations including
- Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia
- Visitors
- GEMOC fosters links nationally and internationally through visits of collaborators to undertake defined short-term discrete projects
data management
- GEMOC database management established:
- Detailed daily log books maintained for all analytical facilities
- "Lithobank" was initiated in 1996 to contain all geochemical data generated by GEMOC at Macquarie: incorporates levels of accessibility and confidentiality
- duplicate hard and electronic copies of original data maintained (consistent with ARC requirement for good practice data management)
- samples are catalogued in museum systems at Macquarie and ANU
- DIAKIM database containing information on all known diamond-related deposits, initiated through collaboration with Dr Bram Janse:
- Menu-driven, user-friendly GIS-based, planned to be accessible commercially through the internet
- Bruce Chappell has made his extensive database (on granites and related rocks and minerals) available for relevant projects within GEMOC