Was the funding strategy for GEMOC continuation after 2001 successful?
GEMOC’s business plan has proved to be a successful blueprint, resulting
in viable funding to continue GEMOC’s activities beyond the Commonwealth
funding period that ended in 2001.
Key elements of funding continuation include:
- Macquarie University support of $150,000 per annum
- Macquarie Vice-Chancellor’s grant to support Geophysical Modelling development
- ARC Program Grant 2002-2006 for basic research component
- DEST Systemic Infrastructure Initiative Grant ($5.125 million) for 2002-2004
- Industry funding is increasing through substantial collaborative ventures and value-added consulting
- Independent Research Fellowships to support Postdoctoral Fellows
Continuation of existing funding sources for other ongoing activities
such as postgraduate scholarships, undergraduate teaching development and
pilot research projects.
Summary of strategy outcomes
- Staff: 2 new academic staff members continuing, new academic staff appointment
- Postgraduate funding strategy exceeded goals
- Strategy for equipment and analytical funding exceeded goals
Macquarie University support has been exceptional in all areas
including cash, in-kind and space guarantees, and in policy support.
Macquarie’s Research Strategic Plan recognises GEMOC’s research programs
as Areas of Excellence (lithosphere and planetary evolution and metallogeny;
isotopic and global geochemistry; and paleomagnetism, geodynamics and geophysical
modelling) and GEMOC as a Centre of Excellence.
Strategy for ongoing Geochemical Analysis Unit funding
GEMOC’s outstanding analytical facilities are vital to our innovative
research programs and to attracting research and industry income. This
technology concentration also represents a high-budget item in terms of maintenance,
running costs, replacement and especially for new purchases to maintain frontline
developments. Funding strategies in place include:
- User-pays system for running, maintenance and development costs
- University annual contributions through competitive schemes and capital equipment allocations
- Annual contribution from the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Macquarie University’s guarantee of a strategic plan to ensure
the integrity, maintenance and appropriate staffing of the Geochemical Analysis
- Collaborative project building with industry partners
- Delivery of new exploration tools to industry through novel analytical methodologies
- Research and Development ventures with manufacturers leading to equipment replacement
- Applications to funding schemes for matching funds for new purchases
- Provision of services to external clients including industry
- Industry capital investment in return for access equity, negotiated
intellectual property and collaborative rates for access time