GEMOC communications
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GEMOC web resources provide past Annual Reports, updated details on methods for new analytical advances and software updates (GLITTER), activities of research teams within GEMOC, synthesised summaries of selected research outcomes and items for secondary school resources. In addition, undergraduate teaching is web-based. Annual Reports from 2003 are available as downloadable pdf files on the GEMOC website as well as in html format. All previous Annual Reports are available in html format.
Dr Craig O’Neill received a NSW Young Tall Poppy Award for excellence in research and was awarded an ARC Postdoctoral Fellowship.
Professor Sue O’Reilly was made a Fellow of the Geological Society of Australia.
“Annual Reports from 2003 are available as downloadable pdf files on the GEMOC website as well as in html format. All previous Annual Reports are available in html format.”

Craig O’Neill and Bill Griffin were the major focus of an ABC Catalyst segment in 2007 on Diamond Exploration in Australia.
The 57 GEMOC Publications that were published or in press for 2007 are mainly in high-impact international journals as listed by the internationally recognised Thomson ISI Citation data.
GEMOC staff, postdoctoral researchers and postgraduates again increased their profile at peak metallogenic, geodynamic and geochemical conferences as convenors, invited speakers, or presenters, with more than 70 presentations. International presentations included:
- State of the Arc 2007 (Termas Puyehue, Chile)
- 7th Biennial Exploration Managers Conference of AMIRA (Australian Minerals Industry Research Association) “Making Collaborative R&D an Integral Part of the Exploration Business” (Barossa, Australia)
- the 17th V.M. Goldschmidt Conference (Cologne, Germany)
- the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (San Francisco, USA)
- Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section 103 Annual Meeting (Bellingham, Washington, USA)
- 6th International Hutton Symposium on the Origin of Granites and Related Rocks (Stellenbosch, South Africa)
- American Geophysical Union May Joint Assembly (Acapulco, Mexico)
- Geological Society of America/Geological Society of London Meeting: “Continental tectonics and mountain building the Peach and Horne Meeting” (Ullapool, Scotland)
- International Eclogite Field Symposium (Skye and Brittany)
- 7th International Symposium on Applied Isotope Geochemistry (Stellenbosch, South Africa)
- European Mantle Workshop (EMAW): Petrological Evolution of the European
Lithospheric Mantle: From Archean to Present Day, Ferrara University (Ferrara, Italy)
- 2007 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (Denver, USA)
- Exploration 07 Conference, the peak Exploration Industry Decennial Conference (Toronto, Canada)
- Ores and Ore Genesis Conference (Arizona, USA)
- XVIII Symposium on Isotope Geochemistry (Moscow, Russia
A full list of abstract titles for Conferences and Workshops attended is given in Appendix 4 and on the GEMOC website where full-text versions of many of the abstracts can also be found.
Bill Griffin and the attendees of the International Eclogite Field Symposium (Skye and Brittany).
Professor Sue O’Reilly was a co-convenor (with GEMOC international collaborators Professors Massimo Coltorti and Michel Grégoire) of the 2007 European Mantle Workshop (EMAW) on the Petrological Evolution of the European Lithospheric Mantle from Archean to Present Day in Ferrara, August 2007. This was an international high-profile event with a strong GEMOC presence (including postgraduates), and has resulted in the formation of an international group to coordinate research on this topic with an annual workshop. Almost 100 researchers from Europe, China, Japan and Australia participated in the meeting. Many of the presentations are downloadable from
Simon Turner and Tracy Rushmer at the 6th International Hutton Symposium on the Origin of Granites and Related Rocks, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Keynote talks in 2007 included (see Appendix 4 for titles): VI Hutton Belousova, Rushmer, Vernon; 2007 European Mantle Workshop (EMAW) O’Reilly; 7th Biennial Exploration Managers Conference of AMIRA O’Reilly. GEMOC research was represented by 21 talks at the 17th V.M. Goldschmidt Conference in Cologne and Bill Griffin gave an invited Workshop session on TerraneChron® at the Exploration 07 Conference in Toronto.
Professor Bernie Wood and Dr Alex Corgne wrote an invited contribution published in section 2.04 (Mineralogy of the Earth) in the Mineral Physics Volume (2) of the Elsevier Treatise on Geophysics titled “Trace elements and hydrogen in the Earth’s transition zone and lower mantle”.
Dr Tracy Rushmer was appointed to the Geological Society of America Penrose Committee as a “Member at Large” for 2007-2010.
Sue O’Reilly was appointed a panel member for the DEST RQF exercise.
Bill Griffin was appointed to the Australian Research Council (ARC) Expert Advisory Committee.
Professor Sue O’Reilly continued as a member of the organising committee for the International Geological Congress (IGC) to be held in Brisbane in 2012 after the successful bid by Australia at the 32nd IGC in Florence (by the Australian Bid Committee, of which she was a member).
Professors Bill Griffin and Sue O’Reilly are co-convenor and convenor for sessions at the 33rd IGC in Oslo (August, 2008) on “The continental lithosphere from geophysical and geochemical data” and “The lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary: nature, formation and evolution from Hadean to now” respectively.
GEMOC participants with Marco Scambelluri, Costanza Bonadiman and Massimo Coltorti at the 2007 European Mantle Workshop (EMAW) on the Petrological Evolution of the European Lithospheric Mantle from Archean to Present Day, Ferrara.
Sue O’Reilly continued as a member of the Steering Committee for the DEST NCRIS process and the GEMOC Geochemical Analytical Unit (see the Technology Development section) at Macquarie was designated as one of three National Nodes in Geochemistry that will receive funding for five years under the Earth Composition and Evolution Project in the NCRIS AuScope Program (awarded $42.8 m over the next 5 years (
VISITORSGEMOC fosters links nationally and internationally through visits of collaborators to undertake defined short-term projects or short-term visits to give lectures and seminar sessions. Formal collaborative arrangements are facilitated by ARC Linkage grants with reciprocal funding from international collaborators. All Australian and international visitors are listed in Appendix 3. They have participated in: collaborative research technology exchange seminars, discussions and joint publications collaboration in postgraduate programs |
![]() Elena Belousova getting the feel of granites at the 6th International Hutton Symposium on the Origin of Granites and Related Rocks, Stellenbosch, South Africa. |