GEMOC structure
THE ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE of GEMOC is designed for efficiency, flexibility and interaction. The financial management operates within Macquarie University's Finance System and within Macquarie Research Limited for commercialised products, consulting and some strategic research projects. The Teaching Program is incorporated into the teaching activities and strategies of the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Macquarie to ensure that GEMOC interfaces in a positive way with the existing structures while retaining a clear identity and funding unit.
GEMOC has been reconfirmed as a Centre of Excellence within Macquarie University's Research and Research Teaching Management Plan allowing for ongoing appropriate staffing and support arrangements. GEMOC's three main research foci have been formally designated as Macquarie University "Areas of Excellence". These are:
- Lithosphere and planetary evolution and metallogeny
- Isotopic and global geochemistry
- Paleomagnetism, geodynamics and geophysical modelling
2001 Management Roles
Professor Suzanne O'Reilly is Director of GEMOC.
Dr Wai Ling Yeung, Ms Alison Heather and Dr Ayesha Saeed undertook administrative duties at Macquarie.
Dr David Ellis (alternate Professor Richard Arculus) was the ANU representative on the GEMOC Board.
Dr Richard Flood is the coordinator of Teaching Programs at Macquarie and Head of the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences from December 1999.
Professor William Griffin is seconded (80%) to GEMOC (through Macquarie University) from CSIRO. He is Adjunct Professor at Macquarie University and is the Program Leader responsible for Technology Development and Industry Interaction.
Dr Kelsie Dadd is responsible for implementation of GIS-based teaching methodology in the Teaching Program, for promotional activities to attract students and for GEMOC's web page at Macquarie.
Dr Simon Jackson is responsible for ICPMS and laser microprobe development at Macquarie.
Dr John Ridley is responsible for development of teaching and research programs in metallogenesis at Macquarie.
Dr Norman Pearson is Manager of the Geochemical Analysis Unit at Macquarie.
Ms Sally-Ann Hodgekiss is the GEMOC graphics and design consultant
at Macquarie.
The changing faces of the GEMOC Advisory Board
Advisory board members 2001
Professor Suzanne O'Reilly Dr David Ellis (or Professor Richard Arculus) Professor William Griffin Macquarie University members Professor Peter Bergquist
Professor John Loxton
Dr Kelsie Dadd
Dr Richard Flood
external University representative Professor Ross Large
representative of Geoscience Australia (GA) Dr Lesley Wyborn
industry members Mr Rob Rutherford
Dr Jon Hronsky
Dr Steve Walters
Mr Bruce Wyatt