GEMOC's research program
index | Research Highlights |
- to understand from the "bottom up" the processes that control the generation and modification of the crust-mantle system and to define the tectonic and geochemical processes that have created different crustal and mantle domains through time
- to map the spatial and temporal distribution of elements, rock types and physical and chemical conditions within this system
- to define the systematics of element redistribution in the mantle and crust during the critical liquid-crystal and vapour-liquid separation events
- to advance the modeling of the crust and lithospheric mantle from geophysical datasets, through integration of geophysical, petrological and geochemical information
- to produce maps of lithosphere thickness and lithospheric mantle type at the present day and for selected time (and location) slices through Earth's geological evolution
- to produce chemical tomography sections of lithospheric mantle in time and space where global datasets can be constructed
- to provide a new framework for area selection for a wide spectrum of economic deposits, by linking these models and processes to the formation of metallogenic provinces
to develop collaborative links with international institutions and researchers relevant to GEMOC's goals
THERMAL ENERGY transmitted through the mantle provides the energy to
drive lithosphere processes. Mantle-derived fluids and the tectonic environment
control element transfer across the crust-mantle boundary and control commodity
distribution in the accessible crust. The nature of mantle heat transmission
reveals information on fundamental deep Earth processes from the core-mantle
boundary to the surface. The Earth's interior can be mapped using fragments
of deep materials such as mantle rocks and diamonds, and the compositions
of mantle-derived magmas.
The focus of GEMOC's research programs is the driving role of the mantle
in Earth processes and its control of element concentration and distribution
in the accessible crust. This bottom-up approach involves
- Understanding the location of different types of metallogenic provinces by defining the links between:
- mantle evolution, type and processes
- crustal generation
- large-scale tectonics
- heat, fluid and element transport
- Integration of information across disciplines, especially petrology, geochemistry, geophysics and tectonics
The research program for the first six years focussed on four strands:
provides the fundamental data for defining mantle domains in terms of composition, structure and thermal state; relating these domains to refined models of tectonic evolution will help to define the large-scale evolution of mantle processes through time, and their influence on the development of the crust and metallogenic provinces. The nature of mantle fluids and the mantle residence and abundances of siderophile, chalcophile and noble elements and sulfur, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen are keys to understanding the transfer of mineralising elements into the crust. |
seeks to understand: the large-scale processes that have created and modified continental crust; how these processes may have changed through time; and how crustal processes influence the concentration and localisation of economically important elements. The role of crust-mantle interaction in granite genesis, coupled crust-mantle formation and its influence on tectonism, and transport of elements across the crust-mantle boundary link to the Lithosphere Mapping and Metallogenesis strands. |
uses stratigraphic, tectonic, and geophysical data to interpret the history and causes of continental assembly and disruption, with a special focus on Australia, East Asia and major cratons (Siberia, Kaapvaal, Canada). It provides the fundamental framework to link the research on crustal and mantle processes with the localisation and development of metallogenic provinces |
seeks to define the mantle and crustal reservoirs of economically important elements, the mechanisms by which elements can be extracted from the mantle and transported into the crust, and the mechanisms of fluid transfer in the crust and mantle. The emphasis is on understanding processes of regional scale, and relating these processes to the tectonic framework and the processes of mantle and crustal generation. |
The Research Highlights section gives an overview of major progress in 2001.
The Research Program for 2002 follows the topics of the funded projects listed in Appendix 5. The new ARC Program Grant (O'Reilly and Griffin) incorporates some of the new research directions in the GEMOC continuation. Some of the industry projects are summarised in the section on Industry Interaction.
Funding of the SPIRT Project with WMC for 2001 to 2003 (Lithospheric Architecture of Australia: Relevance to Location of Giant Ore Bodies) is a culmination of one of GEMOC's main original Research Aims. This research project is testing the concept that giant magmatic and hydrothermal ore bodies are localised by major structural discontinuities that extend through the Earth's lithosphere. Modelling of geophysical data (see the Research Highlights) across the Australian continent and globally will define regional lithospheric domains and their boundaries. Tectonic analysis and geochemical data on crustal and mantle rocks will define the age and composition of the upper mantle beneath each domain, and the history of crust-mantle interaction (magmatism, extension, compression). This history will be integrated with information on the timing and style of large ore deposits to understand the relationship between lithosphere domains and large-scale mineralisation. The new methodologies of using mantle sulfides to date mantle events, and of characterising crustal terrane development using U-Pb dating and Hf isotopic compositions of zircons (see Research Highlights) will be integrated with the geophysical modelling.
Technology developments in GEMOC are driven by the needs of the research
(including industry collaborative) programs. The 2001 advances in
the Geochemical Analysis Unit, relevant to in situ trace and isotopic analysis,
are allowing us to exceed our original goals in the areas of tracking the
degree of crust-mantle interaction and recognising the timing of different
generations of major lithospheric events. Foremost in these new methods
are the in situ PGE and Re/Os analysis of sulfides; U/Pb, Lu/Hf and trace-element
spectrum in zircon; and Rb/Sr and Nd/Sm analyses in a range of minerals.
A major strategic goal of GEMOC is strengthening Geophysics and bridging the geology/geophysics interface. During 2001 the following activities addressed this goal.
- Software development for the high-temperature SQUID spinning magnetometer continued through 2001 in collaboration with Dr Phil Schmidt and Mr David Clark from CSIRO.
- Collaboration with Dr Patrice Rey (University of Sydney) on geodynamic modelling continued and a 2-year Research Fellowship in geodynamic modelling at Macquarie University was advertised to commence in 2002.
- The strategic alliance with Dr Karsten Gohl of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven was strengthened with the success of relevant funding applications on both sides. The first collaboration will be "Structure and dynamics of a submarine continent: evolution of the Campbell Plateau", involving research cruises by the vessel RV Sonne starting December 2002. GEMOC participants and PhD students will have the opportunity for shipboard geophysics experience (and subsequent processing) and GEMOC will be involved in interpretation of mantle structure and composition and basalt geochemistry and origin with German colleagues.
- GEMOC had continuing access to the pool of seismic detectors, which forms part of the ARC Seismic Consortium (headed by the University of Adelaide/Flinders University with Macquarie, Monash, Sydney, Queensland and ANU as partners and with strong support from GA).
- Dr Yvette Poudjom Djomani, GEMOC Postdoctoral Fellow, continued her work in potential field geophysics (including gravity, magnetic and thermal modelling) in collaborative projects including the SPIRT project with Kennecott Canada (Slave Craton) and Australian lithosphere studies with WMC.
- Collaboration with Professor Paul Morgan (Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff) continued in geophysical modelling.
- Major advances were again made in understanding the interpretation of geophysical signatures of some types of large-scale lithosphere domains (eg Publications 228, 231, 234, 250 and presentations at the conferences listed below, now submitted as 6 manuscripts).
- Sue O'Reilly was invited to write a "News and Views" article (Nature, 2001, v 412, pp 777-779) on the first group of papers from the "Kaapvaal Experiment".
- Petrophysical study of the upper mantle and lower crustal xenoliths from the Kerguelen Archipelago and integration of acoustic velocity results with seismic profiles was published as Publication 244 (in collaboration with Dr Ian Jackson, ANU).
- Investigation of the paleomagnetism and rock magnetism of rocks from the Lachlan Fold Belt continued.
- Modelling of the density of different types and compositions of lithospheric mantle to assess mechanisms of mantle overturn and thinning in regions of different age, thermal structure and tectonic environment continued (eg Publication 234).
- Magnetostratigraphic study of the Cambro-Ordovician Black Mountain sequence in northwest Queensland continued (postgraduate project by Kari Anderson).
- Investigation of the Mooki and Peel Faults, and the Tamworth Belt using gravimetry began (postgraduate project by Bin Guo).
- Results of the project on the origin, structure and composition of the Agulhas Plateau, SW Indian Ocean (in collaboration with the Alfred Wegener Institute Antarctic Survey cruise) were published (Publication 231).
- SPIRT funding commenced on the project with WMC on recognition of lithospheric domains in Australia and integration with thermal and magnetic signatures and datasets.
The published interpretation and documentation of the results of Global Geoscience Transect 21 (from the Philippine Sea to the Barents Sea) with the Geological Survey of China and the Institute for Gravity, Xi'an was distributed in 2001.
- GEMOC had a high profile at international conferences relevant to geophysical modelling and interpretation, including four keynote and six invited presentations by Sue O'Reilly, Bill Griffin, Yvette Poudjom Djomani and Paul Morgan (see Appendix 4 for titles and the GEMOC website for the full text of abstracts):
- The 12th international conference of the Geological Society of Africa
- European Union of Geosciences Conference, Strasbourg, France
- 11th V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, Hot Springs, Virginia, USA
- Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 15th Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, Brisbane
- Slave-Kaapvaal Workshop, Merrickville, Ontario, Canada
- Chapman Conference: Exploration Geodynamics, Perth, Western Australia
- 4th International Archean Symposium, Perth, Western Australia
Lithosphere Mapping
Geochemical structure and evolution of continental lithosphere and interpretation of geophysical data Research Highlights
Mantle terranes and cratonic roots: Canada, southern Africa, Siberia, eastern China (Sino-Korean craton, Yangtse), Greenland, Australia, Brazil
Gravity modelling of lithosphere terranes (regional elastic thickness)
Evolution of oceanic lithosphere, New Ireland (Papua New Guinea), Kerguelen Plateau, Hawaii, Crozet Islands Research Highlights
Diamonds: origin and clues to lithosphere evolution and structure: eastern Australia, Indochina, South America, Canada, Siberia, China Research Highlights
Seismic imaging of Moho structure and integration with petrological data: eastern Australia, Indian Ocean, Kerguelen Plateau
Basalts as lithosphere/asthenosphere probes
Thermal framework of the lithosphere: paleogeotherms, heat production, conductivity, thermal evolution
Experimental studies of mantle minerals: high pressure partition coefficients; role of accessory minerals in controlling mantle fluid compositions Research Highlights
Lithosphere structure along Global Geoscience Transect 21
Constraints on the timing of depletion and fluid movements in lithospheric mantle of different ages, using a range of isotopic and trace-element methods, including Re-Os in mantle sulfides Research Highlights
The nature of lithospheric mantle in arc regions (Japan, Kamchatka, Phillipines, Solomon Islands)
Lithosphere extension processes and consequences in East Asia: Taiwan and east eastern China regions
Tracking mantle plumes through time Research
Crustal Evolution
Magma genesis and tectonics in Pacific island arcs and oceanic islands: far east Russia, Japan, Izu-Bonin-Mariana, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Hawaii
Role of oceanic plateaus in oceanic and continental crustal formation: Kerguelen, Ontong-Java Plateau, Solomon Islands, Ecuador
Crustal evolution and metallogenesis, southeastern China
Evolution of continental crust: central Queensland; San Francisco Volcanic Field, Arizona; Peninsular Ranges batholith of Baja California, Mexico
Origin of granites and crustal genesis at continental margins: eastern Australia, southeastern China
Crust-mantle interaction: applications of TerranechronTM Research Highlights
Experimental studies: diffusion of lead in zircon; eclogite melting
Metamorphic reactions and mineral growth; microstructural processes in metamorphic rocks
Tracers of magmatic processes; trace elements in accessory minerals
Integrated U-Pb, Hf-isotope and trace-element in situ analysis of detrital zircons to characterise the magmatic history of major crustal terrains ("Event Signatures")
Hf-isotopic signatures of zircons (in situ LAM-ICPMS) as tracers of
crust-mantle interaction in granites
Volatile, chalcophile, and noble siderophile elements in subduction zone magmas
Sulfide partitioning between felsic melts and residues
Geochemistry of mantle sulfides
Chromite chemistry in mantle-derived magmas and residues
Magmatic and hydrothermal evolution of intrusive-related gold deposits
Resistate minerals and mineral exploration
Base and noble metals in glass inclusions, Bougainville lavas
Mantle fluids beneath a young gold deposit: mantle xenoliths from the Tubaf Volcano, New Ireland, Papua New Guinea
Corundum in basalts: origin of sapphire
High pressure vapour-melt partitioning experiments
Global kimberlite database
Area selection and evaluation for diamond exploration
Lithosphere domains through time and location of ore deposits
Crust-mantle interaction, granites and metallogenesis through time
Sulfide and PGE budget of the mantle
Re-Os dating of mantle sulfides in situ and timing of mantle processes Research Highlights
Highly siderophile element (including platinum group element) concentrations in sulfides (LAM-ICPMS)
Zircon composition in mineral exploration
Apatite composition in mineral exploration
Groundwater geochemistry and aquifer lithology
Stable-isotope ratios of some important commodity elements (eg Cu, Fe, Zn, Mo) in a range of ore minerals and deposit types Research Highlights
Trace elements in diamonds - possible genetic indicators?
Influence of mantle processes on crustal geology and topography: regional geotectonic analysis: Slave Craton (Canada), Siberia, eastern China, Australia, Kaapvaal Craton Research Highlights
Neoproterozoic earth history of Australia: Tectonics, isotope-, volcanic- and bio-stratigraphy
Tasman Fold Belt tectonism and regional volcanology: Tumut-Gundagai region; Louth area; central western NSW; central Queensland
Paleomagnetic studies of the northern New England Orogen Research Highlights
Geodynamic modelling of large-scale processes using constraints from 4-D Lithosphere Mapping results
Evolution of lithospheric composition and Earth geodynamics through
time Research Highlights