Y.H. Poudjom Djomani1, W.L. Griffin1,2, L.M. Natapov1, S.Y. O'Reilly1 and Y. Erincheck3
2. CSIRO Exploration and Mining
3. VSEGEI, St. Petersburg, Russia
Enhancement of geophysical data shows more strongly negative Bouguer
anomalies and a more noisy magnetic anomaly pattern over the Archean terranes
than on the Proterozoic terranes. This reflects the difference in the mantle
composition beneath the terranes as revealed by mantle-petrology studies.
The elevation across the platform is not more than 900 meters. Gravity
and topography data have been inverted to estimate the flexural strength,
or elastic thickness (Te) of the plate. The results show that although
the study area is a geologically stable Precambrian craton, Te is relatively
low (< 30km) across most of the area suggesting a weak lithosphere comparable
to that of tectonically much younger areas around the world. These results
also show a major zone, ~ 150 km wide, of very weak lithosphere (Te <
10 km) running N-S across the western part of the study area which coincides
with a zone of thicker lithosphere, lower surface heat flow and thicker
lower crust, as well as abnormally high sub-Moho P-wave velocities suggesting
an anisotropy in the upper mantle. The kimberlite fields in the Archean
part of the platform are localised on the western flank of the zone of
weak lithosphere. We suggest that the low Te zone is a mantle shear zone
which has been a preferred conduit for magma into the lower crust, and
has controlled the emplacement of kimberlites in the study area.