
Director's preface

Introducing GEMOC

GEMOC participants

GEMOC structure

GEMOC communications 2002

GEMOC programs

Is GEMOC making a difference?

GEMOC's research program

Research highlights 2002

Teaching and training program: 


GEMOC honours

GEMOC postgraduate

Technology development program

Industry interaction

GEMOC's international links

GEMOC Funding

Benefits to Australia  


1. Participants

2. Publications

3. Visitors

4. Abstract titles

5. Funded research projects

6. Flowsheets for Courses in Geology and Geophysics

7. GEMOC Postgraduate and honours opportunities

Contact details


Cover:  Global tomography image at 150 km based on dataset of Ritsema (Ritsema et al., 2000. Sci. Prog, 83, 243-259).  Highlighted points identify some regions where GEMOC has detailed petrologic and geochemical controls on the composition and architecture of the lithospheric mantle that can provide anchor points to groundtruth tomographic models.

2002 Annual Report