Lower Crust Geotherms
N.J. PEARSON (GEMOC, School Earth Sciences, Macquarie University,
2109, Australia), Suzanne Y. O'REILLY (GEMOC, School Earth Sciences,
Macquarie University, 2109, Australia), and W.L GRIFFIN (CSIRO
Explor. and Mining, North Ryde, 2113, Australia)
The construction of a robust geotherm using P-T estimates from
xenoliths or mineral concentrates is a critical step in 4-D lithosphere
modelling. The geotherm derived for a lithospheric section forms
the basis for establishing the stratigraphy of the lower crust
and upper mantle, and provides a 'snap-shot' reference to examine
thermal evolution.
A generalized model has been developed to show the spatial (and
temporal) variations in lithosphere stratigraphy and geothermal
gradient based on suites of xenoliths from different tectonic
regimes. In young Paleozoic fold belts the lower crust is dominated
by mafic (2px ± grt) granulites and the upper mantle wallrock
is spinel lherzolite. Beneath Archean cratonic areas, eclogite
is a significant component of both lower crust and upper mantle
xenolith suites, while grt peridotite is the dominant mantle wallrock.
Xenolith suites representing the lithosphere beneath craton margins
record transitional stages between these two limiting cases.
The geotherms derived from these various xenolith suites also
indicate a progressive change from relatively high gradients with
advective signatures in the Paleozoic fold belts (e.g., southeast
Australia geotherm) to conductive steady state geotherms in the
cratonic areas.
An important assumption in constructing these geotherms is that
the P-T estimates represent the ambient conditions at depth at
the time of entrainment of the xenoliths. This must be evaluated
carefully if contiguous stratigraphic relationships are to be
established across the crust/mantle boundary using xenoliths,
particularly if there is a disparity between the geotherms derived
from lower crustal xenoliths and upper mantle xenoliths. Such
a problem has been identified in several cratonic areas (e.g.,
Kaapvaal Craton, southern Africa) where the mafic granulites define
a higher geothermal gradient than the mantle-derived grt peridotites.
One possible explanation is that the differences in the geotherms
are an artefact of geothermobarometry. It is difficult to apply
the same geothermobarometer methods and calibrations to all rock
types, with the selection being controlled by mineral assemblage,
bulk composition and absolute P-T conditions.
The preservation of reaction microstructures involving the breakdown
of plagioclase and compositional zoning of minerals record stages
in the transition from granulite to eclogite facies mineral assemblages
in mafic xenoliths. These features indicate that kinetic factors
controlling reaction progress may result in the 'freezing-in'
of P-T's different to those at the time of entrainment.
Tectonic juxtaposition of the lower crust to higher crustal levels
provides a mechanism to produce different thermal histories for
the lower crust and upper mantle. The definition of two distinct
geotherms for the lower crust beneath the margin of the Kaapvaal
Craton suggests that deep crustal tectonism has played a significant
role in setting the thermal closure of different lower crust volumes
at different times prior to sampling by the kimberlite magmas.
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