Fluid-Peridotite Interactions in Mantle Wedge Xenoliths
Brent I.A. McInnes, GEMOC Key Centre and CSIRO Exp & Mining,
Sydney, Australia (B.McInnes@syd.dem.csiro.au)
Sub-arc mantle xenoliths of spinel lherzolite, harzburgite, websterite,
and orthopyroxenite were collected from a shoshonitic submarine
cinder cone (Tubaf volcano; Herzig et al., EOS 75(44),
513-515) near Lihir Island, Papua New Guinea. The mineralogy
of the anhydrous lherzolites (olivine: Mg# 0.87-0.91; orthopyroxene:
Mg# 0.92 and average Al2O3=1.7 wt.%; Cr-diopside: En48Wo44Fs3,
with average Cr2O3=0.75, Na2O=0.13 and Al2O3=2.0 wt.%; and spinel:
Cr# 0.35-0.56) is similar to that of the Cr-spinel lherzolite
group. These characteristics and the predominance of harzburgite
(87%) over lherzolite (13%) indicates that the sub-arc mantle
is a depleted peridotite residue from an earlier episode of melting
in a mid-ocean ridge environment. The spinel peridotite xenoliths
record 2-pyroxene closure temperatures of 775-1100_C and oxidation
states ranging from +2 to +4 log fO2 units greater than
oceanic lithosphere represented by abyssal spinel peridotites
Oxidation occurred during late stage metasomatism by hydrous supercritical
fluids, as evidenced by the occurrence of zoned spinels in orthopyroxenite
veins in the peridotites. The veins are planar, interconnected
networks ranging from1 to 6 cm in width. The orthopyroxenite
veins contain fibrous, radiating orthopyroxene with fine-grained
Fe-Ni sulfides and minor olivine. The presence of H2O-rich fluid
inclusions in the orthopyroxene and the lack of shear structures
in these veins indicates that metasomatism of peridotite occurred
via hydraulic fracturing caused by the influx of slab-derived
hydrous fluids into the mantle.
The mineral assemblage orthopyroxene+ olivine+H2O is stable at
temperatures above 700°C and below 1000°C (wet solidus)
in hydrated peridotite at 5-20 kbars pressure. Under these conditions,
hydrous fluids dissolve substantial amounts of silicate components
(1 to 10 wt.%). The formation of orthopyroxenite veins in peridotite
occurs via silicification of olivine by infiltrating hydrous fluids
with a high Si/Mg ratio. Incongruent dissolution of primary peridotite
minerals leaches Al but leaves the bulk mantle Mg/Mg+Fe unchanged.
The orthopyroxenite "residua" has a geochemical signature
similar to a strongly depleted peridotite with Al-poor diopside
and orthopyroxene (Al2O3= 0.3 wt.%) and Cr-rich spinel (Cr# 0.80).
Small patches of Na- and K-bearing aluminosilicate melt present
in opened fluid inclusions represent quenched fluid products,
and have an atomic Na:K:Al ratio of 2:1:10. Apatite, phlogopite
and amphibole are absent in the orthopyroxenites, but are present
in the websterites indicating that crystallization of these components
occurred as the supercritical fluids became solute-saturated at
a higher level in the mantle wedge.
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