Megabreccia Blocks and Calderas in the Silurian Goobarragandra
Volcanics, Southeastern NSW
Kelsie A. Dadd
Key Centre for Geochemical Evolution and Metallogeny of Continents,
School of Earth Sciences, Macquarie University, NSW 2109 and Department
of Applied Geology, University of Technology, Sydney, PO Box 123,
Broadway, NSW 2007
Megabreccias made up of blocks of limestone, interbedded limestone
and chert, and siltstone which are embedded in tuff have recently
been identified in the Silurian Goobarragandra Volcanics. The
Volcanics dominantly comprise an extensive uniform succession
of crystal-rich dacitic tuffs but include some epiclastic rocks,
minor lava flows and mafic and felsic intrusives. The crystal-rich
nature of the tuffs, rarely preserved shards, welding textures,
perlitic cracking, and a uniform nature over large areas indicate
they were emplaced as ash-flow tuffs and were originally substantially
welded and glassy and hence the depositional environment was most
likely subaerial.
Blocks within the megabreccia have discordant contacts with the
surrounding tuff and lack any indication of gradational relationships
between blocks and tuff. Thus, large outcrops of massive fossiliferous
limestone are surrounded by tuff without sign of mixed rocks or,
for example, adjoining reef-flank facies. The age of most blocks
is uncertain, but some siltstone-dominant blocks contain Late
Ordovician graptolites; an age significantly older than the surrounding
tuffs. Although contacts are rarely exposed they indicate that
siltstone and dacite do not form conformable sequences, that the
siltstone was lithified and that the dacite was hot when it contacted
the siltstone. Siltstone is locally baked at the contact with
the tuff and in places is brecciated and intruded by veins of
dacite and the tuff is locally chilled against the siltstone.
The blocks within the Goobarragandra Volcanics were previously
considered to be conformably interstratified with the tuff and
were used to indicate the structure of the volcanic sequence and
to place constraints on its environment of deposition. The presence
of limestone was taken to indicate a marine depositional environment
for at least the adjacent tuff although there is little or no
other corroborative evidence.
The term megabreccia is used in volcanology to describe a unit
"in which many clasts are larger than 1 m in diameter, and
the clastic nature of the deposit is obscure in many individual
outcrops" (Lipman, 1976, p. 1398). Lipman suggested that
megabreccia is dominant in the lower part of caldera-fill sequences,
is especially thick adjacent to caldera walls, and accumulates
during intense stages of ash-flow eruptions. The presence of megabreccia
in the Goobarragandra Volcanics suggests that the host tuffs are
the fill of a large, eroded caldera, consistent with the inferred
great thickness of the ash-flow sheets.
The wide distribution of the ash flow tuffs and the comagmatic
Young Granodiorite suggests that the eruptive complex consisted
of several calderas and that the Goobarragandra Volcanics include
both caldera-fill and outflow deposits. The tuff and the granodiorite,
however, are uniform in composition and texture over large areas
and these features cannot be used to separate the product of one
caldera from another. However megabreccia blocks of a particular
lithology tend to be concentrated in discrete areas and are likely
derived from a proximal source. Mapping the distribution of block
lithologies may lead to delineation of separate caldera structures.
The graptolite-bearing blocks in some megabreccia units indicate
that the Goobarragandra Volcanics erupted through a basement which
included a Late Ordovician sequence. These blocks are tentatively
correlated with the Warbisco Shale of eastern Victoria and southeastern
NSW which has a mid-Gisbornian to mid-Bolindian range. This unit
probably extended beneath the present outcrop of the Goobarragandra
Volcanics and was exposed in the steep caldera walls early in
the development of the caldera complex.
Lipman, P.W., 1976. Caldera-collapse breccias in the western San
Juan Mountains, Colorado. Geological Society of America Bulletin,
87, 1397-1410.
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