Metallogenic Implications of Granite Tectonics: The Lachlan
Fold Belt as a Case Study
Phillip L. Blevin, David J. Ellis, Rosalyn G. Warren
National Key Centre for Geochemical Evolution and Metallogeny
of Continents, Department of Geology, Australian National University,
Canberra, ACT, 0200
The Lachlan Fold Belt (LFB) is a tectonic regime which has not
been deeply eroded since it became a stable tectonic regime in
the Devonian. The oldest units comprise extensive Ordovician turbidites
and igneous units, which were followed by elongate Silurian basins
filled by marine sediments and volcanics, and separated by highs
of granite and subaerial felsic volcanics of Silurian to Early
Devonian age. Silurian and Devonian mineralisation in the LFB
can be classified into three groups: granite-related deposits
of Sn, W, Mo, Cu and Au; VHMS (Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu-Au) deposits in the
Silurian basins; and "turbidite-hosted" gold-quartz
vein deposits. In addition, the Ordovician "basement"
to the LFB is host to several large porphyry Cu-Au systems, which
have been preserved despite extensive Siluro-Devonian plutonism
now exposed at the same erosional level. We propose that unusual
tectonic character of the LFB generally and the unusual association
of metallogenic styles present in the LFB can all be explained
as a response to a single cycle of crustal overturn driven by
granite tectonics.
The cycle of crustal overturn that makes up granite tectonics
(Sorgenfrei, 1971; Warren & Ellis, 1996) begins with an influx
of hot mantle-derived material into the base of the crust causing
widespread anatexis. Felsic melts coalesce at depth and rise
into diapiric structures. Removal of material into the rising
diapirs is balanced by downwarping between the diapirs, creating
sag-ducted basins (marginal or rim- synclines). Felsic volcanics
may break through to the surface, either ahead of the rising granites
or as sills and eruptives into the sag-ducted basins. Basement
beneath the sag-ducted basins will move down into higher temperature
regions in a stress field that may change from vertical to horizontal,
and may begin to melt. At high crustal levels, outward expansion
of granite plutons over the rim synclines and underlying crust
cause local compression. The net effect is to move older deeply-buried
crustal material back towards the surface in the form of granites
and in some cases aureoles, while moving younger sediments, and
their basement, in the sag-ducted basins downwards. Granite tectonics
results in massive crustal reworking but no crustal thickening
and/or mountain building.
The model allows for the penecontemporaneous production of fluids
from diverse sources. These include: the mantle or deep crust,
progressive dewatering of the sag-ducted sedimentary pile, magmatic
fluids derived from igneous intrusions and "local" waters
generated in the upper crust by shortening. Seawater incursions
into sag-ducted basins, as well as meteoric water provide additional
fluid sources. Sulfur isotope data for the LFB VHMS systems require
variable proportions of magmatic and seawater inputs (Solomon
& Groves, 1994), but recycled Ordovician Pb is also present
(Carr et al., 1995). Sag-ducted Ordovician ore deposits beneath
Silurian basins may act as metal sources in this regard. Isotopic
and fluid inclusion data for the gold-quartz vein deposits suggest
that the auriferous fluids were exotic relative to the immediate
environment of the deposit and derived from the dewatering of
pelitic sediments at depth during amphibolite grade metamorphism.
Direct magmatic fluid contributions to some shear hosted Au deposits
also occurs. These fluids were channelled into the upper crust
where they were structurally trapped, Au precipitation being driven
by processes such as cooling, mixing with locally derived fluids
or via wallrock reactions. The high temperature stages of granite-related
mineralisation are dominantly magmatic, with ore metal ratios
in these systems being simple functions of magmatic source, process
and magmatic intensive variables.
Granite tectonics provides a unified model linking the production
of felsic melts, vertical and lateral crustal movements, high-T
low-P metamorphic P-T-t paths, fluid production and circulation,
and source and depositional environments for significant accumulation
and preservation of metals. It explains the occurrence of diverse
mineralisation styles within one metallogenic epoch. Large porphyry
Cu-Au systems in the Ordovician volcanics and related intrusives
owe their preservation to granite tectonics, these systems would
have been eroded away if subsequent crustal thickening, mountain
building and erosion had occurred in the LFB (Ellis, 1987).
Carr, G. R., et al., 1995. Precise lead isotope fingerprinting of hydrothermal activity associated with Ordovician to Carboniferous metallogenic events in the Lachlan Fold Belt of New South Wales. Economic Geology 90, 1467-1505.
Ellis, D. J., 1987. Origin and evolution of granulites in normal and thickened crusts. Geology 15, 167-170.
Sorgenfrei, T., 1971. On the granite problem and the similarity of salt and granite structures. Geologiska Foreningens i Stockholm Forhandlingar 93, 371-435.
Solomon, M., & Groves, D. I., 1994. The geology and origin of Australia's mineral deposits. Clarendon Press, Oxford 951p.
Warren, R. G., & Ellis, D. J., 1996. Mantle-underplating,
granite tectonics, and metamorphic P-T-t paths. Geology 24, 663-666.
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