Suzanne Y O'Reilly1, W. L. Griffin1,2 , Yvette H. Poudjom Djomani1
1 GEMOC Macquarie
2 CSIRO Exploration and Mining
The 4-D Lithosphere Mapping methodology allows the construction
of realistic geological sections of the SCLM in a wide variety
of tectonic settings. Mantle-derived xenoliths and garnet and
chromite xenocrysts from volcanics (eg basalts, lamproites, kimberlites)
provide samples of the lithospheric mantle at the time of eruption.
Where sufficient xenoliths and/or xenocrysts of appropriate composition
are available, we can determine the paleogeotherm, the depth to
the crust-mantle boundary, the detailed distribution of rock types
with depth within the SCLM, the spatial distribution of fluid-related
(metasomatic and anatectic) processes and the depth to the lithosphere-asthenosphere
(LAB) boundary, within the tectosphere. Volcanic episodes of different
ages in one region provide this information for different time-slices
corresponding to ages of the volcanism, while geophysical data
(seismic, gravity, magnetic, thermal) can be used to extend the
geologically-derived profiles laterally or to interpret lithospheric
domains with geophysical signatures that can be matched with geologically
mapped sections.
The Cr2O3 content of garnet in mantle xenoliths correlates well
with the Al2O3 content of the host rock, while xenolith suites
show good correlations between the contents of Al2O3 and those
of other elements. These correlations make it feasible to calculate
the composition of a mantle section, given the median Cr2O3 content
of garnet xenocrysts from that section. The mean composition of
SCLM beneath terrains of Archean, Proterozoic and Phanerozoic
tectonothermal age, calculated using a database of >13,000
garnets, shows a clear secular and apparently irreversible evolution,
involving a decrease through time in all measures of depletion,
such as Al, Ca, mg#, and Fe/Al. The Archean/Proterozoic boundary
represents a major change in the nature of lithosphere-forming
processes. Cenozoic SCLM, exemplified by Zabargad peridotites
and by garnet peridotite xenoliths from Phanerozoic terrains,
is only mildly depleted relative to Primitive Mantle. Correlations
between SCLM composition and the tectonothermal age of the crust
imply penecontemporaneous formation and long-term linkage of crust
and SCLM.
Average mineral compositions for each age group have been used
to calculate average modes and densities. Archean SCLM is 2.5%
less dense than the asthenosphere; for Phanerozoic mantle the
difference is <1%. Typical geotherms, thermal expansion coefficients
and bulk moduli have been used to calculate density variation
with depth for typical Archean, Proterozoic and Phanerozoic SCLM.
The entire section of Archean SCLM is buoyant relative to the
underlying asthenosphere. For Proterozoic and Phanerozoic mantles,
a minimum thickness of ca 30 and 60km respectively must be reached
before each section becomes buoyant. This effect explains the
thickness and apparent longevity of existing Archean (and thick
Proterozoic) lithosphere, but suggests that thin Phanerozoic lithosphere
can be delaminated. Tectonic events that lead to the replacement
of old SCLM by younger material cause changes in the density and
geotherm of the lithospheric column, with major effects at the
surface. For example, in the eastern Sino-Korean craton, the replacement
of Archean lithosphere during the late Mesozoic involved rifting,
with contemporaneous upwelling of fertile asthenospheric material,
and was accompanied by uplift, basin formation and widespread
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