W.L. Griffin1&2 S.Y. O'Reilly1 , D.A. Ionov1 , Y.H. Poudjom Djomani1 , V.G. Malkovets3&1
1 GEMOC Macquarie
2 CSIRO Exploration and Mining
3 Inst. of Mineralogy and Petrography, Siberian Branch, Russian
Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Mantle-derived xenoliths in alkali basalts provide spot samples
of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) at several locations
across the East Central Asia Orogenic Belt (ECAOB). We have examined
large suites from the Vitim, Dariganga, NW Mongolia and Minusa
areas, all of which are in areas of juvenile Phanerozoic crust,
or older crust strongly reworked during the Phanerozoic assembly
of the orogenic belt. No xenolith samples from beneath unambiguous
"microcontinents", where Proterozoic SCLM could be preserved,
have yet been studied. Despite subtle differences, these xenolith
suites show common features relevant to SCLM structure and the
generation of the granites of the region. All show a SCLM column
<100 km thick, with a high advective geotherm typical of intraplate
alkali-basaltic volcanism. In most localities the SCLM consists
of spinel peridotite from the crust-mantle boundary to depths
of 45-60 km, with garnet±spinel peridotites at greater depth.
Regional variations in the average degree of depletion are reflected
in variations in the depth of the spinel-garnet peridotite transition,
which is shallowest beneath the Minusa area and deepest beneath
the Dariganga Plateau.
Most of the SCLM sections sampled here show chemical stratification.
Garnet peridotites generally show low degrees of depletion (²5%
partial melting), as reflected in flat REE patterns in clinopyroxenes,
high abundances of cpx+gnt and CaO and Al2O3 contents typically
2.5-4 wt. %. These rocks are interpreted as underplated asthenospheric
material, and published Nd model ages of 1.7-2.0 Ga may reflect
the mean age of primary depletion in the convecting mantle, rather
than a specific depletion event. Many of the spinel peridotites
also are quite fertile, but some show higher degrees of depletion,
followed by metasomatic enrichment in LREE and incompatible elements
such as U, Th, Sr and Zr. These samples may represent older lithosphere.
The accretion history of the ECAOB, with the successive closing
of ocean basins, is not reflected in the xenolith suites; none
is depleted enough to represent typical oceanic or island-arc
Density modelling shows that cool oceanic or sub-arc mantle is
not gravitationally stable if <60 km thick; it can be subducted,
or delaminated under compressive stress. Detachment of this depleted
lithosphere will allow upwelling of hotter asthenospheric material,
providing a large, regionally distributed heat source. If the
geotherm during this process approximates the Cenozoic xenolith-derived
geotherm (probably a minimum estimate), temperatures will reach
900-1000 °C at the crust-mantle boundary and 700-800 °C
in the middle crust, causing massive melting, granitoid production
and basification in the lower crust. This mechanism could explain
the large volumes of late/post-tectonic granitoids intruded across
the ECAOB. The present SCLM structure beneath the areas sampled
is interpreted as consisting of (1) shallow thin remnants of older
continental or oceanic lithospheric mantle mixed with younger
asthenospheric material, and (2) deeper underplated "asthenospheric"
material, probably modified by minor further melting during upwelling.
This model predicts that some minor basaltic/gabbroic magmatism
should accompany granite intrusion.
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