Van Achterbergh, E.1, Griffin, W.L.1,2,
Shee, S.R.3, Wyatt, B.A.3 and Sharma, A.L.1
1. GEMOC National Key Centre, School of Earth Sciences, Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia
2. CSIRO Exploration and Mining, P.O. Box 136, North Ryde, NSW 2113, Australia
3. Stockdale Prospecting Ltd., P.O. Box 126, South Yarra, VIC
3141, Australia
Knowledge of the distribution of elements in minerals is an
essential tool for modelling anatectic and metasomatic processes
in the upper mantle. Using the high sensitivity Laser Ablation
ICP-MS microprobe, new data on the partitioning of trace and
rare earth elements (REE) between garnet and pyroxene have been
obtained This study is based on a suite of peridotite xenoliths
from the Wesselton kimberlite pipe and reports preliminary results
for the partitioning of these elements between garnet, clinopyroxene
(cpx) and orthopyroxene (opx). Petrographic investigation and
detailed electron microprobe analysis of the major elements established
that the minerals are homogeneous and likely to be in chemical
Compositional variation (for the major elements) within the selected
suite is minimal (with one exception), whereas a range in temperature
(T) and pressure (P) is represented. This allows an investigation
of the effects that these physical parameters have on the distribution
of the elements, independent of compositional effects. In accordance
with Watson (1985), deviation from Henry's Law is assumed to be
negligible. Details of the major element compositions are given
in Table 1 and the trace and REE distribution coefficients are
listed in Table 2.
Garnet - Clinopyroxene Partitioning: A comparison of the
new distribution coefficient data from Wesselton with data available
in the literature (and some unpublished data), shows generally
good agreement (Figure 1). This is despite the fact that the
trace element composition of both the garnet and cpx reflects
extensive metasomatism, which is commonly accompanied by the
introduction of phlogopite. This suggests that regardless of
the secondary processes involved, equilibration had been achieved
before entrainment in the kimberlite.
The positive Nb and Zr anomalies in the otherwise smooth curves
of the distribution coefficient plot are consistent with the literature
data and with the experimental findings of Green et al. (1989)
that the high field strength elements (HFSE) tend to concentrate
in garnet. The distribution is controlled dominantly by the crystal
chemistry, and the better fit of these ions into the garnet structure.
As the temperature increases, thermal expansion of the lattice
allows more Zr to enter garnet and DZr (garnet/cpx)
therefore increases with increasing temperature. In accordance
with the results of O'Reilly and Griffin (1995), no pressure effect
was observed on the distribution of these elements between cpx
and garnet. The distribution of Ti also appears to be temperature
dependent. However, data from peridotite xenoliths in basalts
from eastern China (Xu et al., 1998), suggest that pressure plays
a more important role in the partitioning of Ti. The calculated
pressures for these samples are lower than those measured for
the Wesselton suite (19-20 kbar vs 32-46 kbar), while the temperature
is higher (1117oC-1146oC vs 809oC-1013oC).
The differences between the Chinese and South African samples
indicate that at lower pressure, Ti prefers the cpx structure
(DTi (garnet/cpx) <1), and at higher pressure the
garnet structure (DTi (garnet/cpx) >1). Although
the two suites are broadly similar in composition (calcic lherzolitic
garnet and diopside), the Chinese cpx contain slightly less Ca
and the garnet less Cr, which may have some effect on this trend.
Higher temperature and pressure also increase the D (garnet/cpx)
for the light-(L) and medium(M) REE, but have no observable effect
on the heavy REE. Therefore, the slope of the distribution coefficient
curve changes, becoming shallower at higher temperature. This
is consistent with the data of Mazzucchelli et al. (1992) on crustal
garnet-cpx pairs, which are at the lowest temperature (around
800 oC) and show the steepest slope, and with the flatter
slope of Hauri et al.'s (1994) experimental data at 1430 oC
Table 2: Trace and rare earth element distribution coefficients for garnet-cpx and cpx-opx pairs
Element | gt/cpx
959 |
960 | gt/cpx
965 | gt/cpx
966 | gt/cpx
968 | cpx/opx
994 | cpx/opx
995 | cpx/opx
996 | cpx/opx
1001 | cpx/opx
1007 |
Clinopyroxene - Orthopyroxene Partitioning: Published data
on cpx-opx partitioning are scarce, and a comprehensive comparison
is not possible. However, where data are available (eg. McDonough
et al., 1992) good agreement exists between datasets. The LREE
abundances in opx are very low, and the data are characterised
by large standard deviations. Of the elements analysed (Table
1), only Co and Ni prefer the opx structure. Ga and Er partition
approximately equally and all other elements fit more easily
into cpx. The well-documented T dependent partitioning of Ca
into opx (Brey and Köhler, 1990) is evident in these data:
as T increases, so the Ca in opx increases. The LREE, Zr, Sc
and V follow the same trend. A single sample (1001) has lower
XMg (0.81) than the rest of the suite (0.84-0.86) and
as Mg decreases, more LREE, and fewer HREE enter the crystal structure.
The Ti distribution coefficient also increases markedly as
XMgopx decreases.
References Cited
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Spec. Publ., in press
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