Preliminary Results of Lithosphere Mapping of the Eastern Part
of the Siberian Platform
Yvette H. Poudjom Djomani1 , William L. Griffin1,2, Lev Natapov1, Suzanne Y. O'Reilly1 and Yuriy Erinchek3
1. GEMOC Key Centre, 2.CSIRO EM, 3. VSEGEI, Sredny pr. 4. St Petersburg
199026, Russia
The Siberian craton consists of several major Archean terranes that have been mapped from surface geology on the Anabar shield and projected under the platform cover using magnetic data. A 1000-km long kimberlite field with age ranging from Paleozoic to Mesozoic runs in a NNE trend from the centre of the craton to its northern margin. Mantle material from these kimberlites has been analysed to construct mantle sections showing translithospheric discontinuities in the stratigraphy. On this traverse, the boundary between the Archean root and the Proterozoic mantle is marked by the abrupt disappearance of harzburgitic and wehrlitic rocks.
In this study, we have first used gravity and topography data
on the Siberian platform to determine the flexural rigidity or
elastic plate thickness (Te), which is a measure of the mechanical
strength of the lithosphere. The density models used in the geophysical
modelling are constrained by rock stratigraphy derived from geochemical
data. Secondly, we have processed and enhanced the available magnetic
data and applied spectral analysis to estimate the depths to the
magnetic source bodies and distribution of magnetisation. The
gravity and magnetic results can then be integrated with petrological
and geochemical data to produce a map of distribution of major
lithospheric blocks related to variations in lithospheric mantle
The gravity and topo inversion results show that the lithosphere
on the Siberian platform is relatively weak compared to values
usually observed on cratonic areas. These low values of Te may
be explained by the fact that the topographic relief, which is
an important parameter in the inversion program, is very low and
therefore there isn't enough power in the signal to resolve the
range of elastic thickness in this area. Although these values
of Te are low, it is evident that the Archean domains within the
kimberlite corridor are stronger than the Proterozoic areas, suggesting
a cold lithospheric root beneath the southern part of the kimberlite
corridor. The depth to magnetic source bodies, which could be
approximated to the depth to the Curie isotherm where the rocks
lose their magnetisation, are of the same order of magnitude as
the elastic thickness values in each lithospheric block. Comparison
of Te and the depth to the magnetic bodies suggests that the two
parameters may follow the same isotherm.
Acknowledgments: This project is supported by a collaborative
grant between Western Mining Corporation and Macquarie University.
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