Pearson, N.J.1, Griffin, W.L.1,2, Kaminsky, F.V.3,van Achterbergh,
E.1 and O'Reilly, S.Y.1
1. GEMOC National Key Centre, School of Earth Sciences, Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia
2. CSIRO Exploration and Mining, PO Box 126, North Ryde, NSW 2113, Australia
3. KM Diamond Exploration Ltd, 815 Evelyn Drive, West Vancouver,
BC V7T 1J1, Canada
The major element composition of chrome-pyrope garnets has been
used extensively to establish criteria for target evaluation in
diamond exploration. Trace element data provide additional information
that can be used to quantify parameters indicative of the diamond
grade of a kimberlite or lamproitic host rock (Griffin and Ryan,
1995). This method originally was based on the small group of
elements obtained using the proton microprobe. The current study
using laser ablation ICP-MS was undertaken to establish the characteristics
of a larger group of trace elements in garnet concentrates from
diamondiferous and barren kimberlites. To define the trace element
features of garnet most likely to coexist with diamond, a number
of syngenetic garnet inclusions in diamond were also included
in the study.
In-situ quantitative analysis by Laser Ablation Microprobe (LAM)
ICP-MS has rapidly developed into one of the most powerful analytical
techniques in geochemistry, capable of producing high precision
determinations of trace elements at sub-ppm detection limits.
The laser ablation system at Macquarie University was designed
and installed by Drs Simon Jackson and Henry Longerich of Memorial
University, Newfoundland. This system includes a Continuum Surelite
I-20 Q-switched Nd-YAG laser with a fundamental wavelength of
1064 nm (IR) and frequency doubling crystals which produce 532
nm (visible) and 266 nm (UV) wavelengths. Operation in the UV
wavelength produces enhanced ablation yields for materials with
low abundances of transition elements. Typical operating conditions
for the quantitative analysis of the garnets in this study involved
energies of 0.5 to 2 mJ per pulse at a repetition rate of 4 Hz.
Under these conditions the pit size produced is between 30 to
60 µm in diameter and the drill rate is approximately 0.5
µm/sec. Ablation times of up to 120 secs were achieved in
0.5 mm. A full description of the LAM instrumentaion and ICP-MS
operating conditions is given in Norman et al. (1996). A suite
of 20 to 30 minor and trace elements was determined in each analysis
and Ca was used as the internal standard in the quantification
procedure. Detection limits for all elements in this study are
typically in the range 100 ppb to 1 ppm, although actual values
for individual analyses will depend on ablation time, which is
largely a function of grain size, and on the internal standard
Sub-calcic and lherzolitic Cr-pyropes in concentrates from several
different cratons were analysed: Kaapvaal craton (Newlands, Leicester,
Uintjiesberg, Liqhobong); Siberian craton (Sytkanskaya); Slave
craton (A-10). The garnet inclusions in diamond are also derived
from kimberlites of equal geographical diversity: Yakutia; Venezuela;
Ghana; Canada. Our diamond inclusion data are supplemented by
ion probe analyses of diamond inclusion garnets from southern
Africa and Siberia (Yakutia) from Shimizu and Richardson (1987
and Shimizu and Sobolev (1995). Shimizu and Sobolev did not report
Sc data, so we have assumed a value of 130 ppm, equal to the average
of the other diamond inclusion peridotite group garnets.
The relationships between elements such as Zr, Y and Ti were used
by Griffin and Ryan (1995) to identify the chemical signatures
of different types of mantle processes. Plots of these elements
in the concentrate and diamond inclusion garnets in this study
confirm previous observations that garnet inclusions in diamonds
have depleted trace element patterns (Fig. 1; Griffin et al.,
1992; Griffin et al., 1993). The majority of diamond inclusion
garnets have Zr contents <20 ppm, Y < 8 ppm and Ti from
10 to 2000 ppm. A significant proportion of the garnets from
the more diamondiferous pipes (Liqhobong, Newlands; Sytkanskaya)
fall within the field defined by the diamond inclusion garnets.
Conversely, garnets from the barren kimberlites (Uintjiesberg)
plot outside the field of diamond inclusions on these diagrams
(Fig. 2).
Fig 1. Zr vs Y (ppm) for diamond inclusion garnets.
Fig 2. Zr vs Y (ppm) for Cr-pyrope garnet in concentrate from
kimberlite pipes. The field defined by peridotitic garnet inclusions
in diamond is drawn from Fig. 1.
Fig. 3 Chondrite normalised plot of selected peridotitic garnet
inclusions in diamond from Yakutia and Slave D027.
Fig.4 Chondrite normalised plot of selected peridotitic garnet
in concentrate from Newlands kimberlite.
The depleted nature of the diamond inclusion garnets is apparent
in chondrite normalised plots (Fig. 3). HREE in many of the
garnets, including both harzburgitic and lherzolitic ones, are
strongly depleted in HREE and enriched in MREE giving rise to
sinuous REE patterns, with convex up LREE to MREE and concave
up MREE to HREE. The point of inflection is at Sm/Eu in the most
depleted garnets and shifts to Gd/Dy as the concentration of HREE
increases in less depleted garnets. The distinctive REE pattern
for the diamond inclusion garnets is also developed in some sub-calcic
garnets in the concentrates, particularly those with trace element
signatures indicating ultradepletion. Lherzolitic garnets have
more typical convex-up patterns, with nearly flat REE patterns
from Dy to Lu (Fig. 4).
Fig 5. Sc/Y (N) vs Nd/Y (N)) for diamond inclusion garnets.
Fig 6. Sc/Y (N) vs Nd/Y (N)) for Cr-pyrope garnet in concentrate
from kimberlite pipes. The field defined by peridotitic garnet
inclusions in diamond is drawn from Fig. 5.
The significance of the range in the shapes of these patterns
is evident in the plots of Nd/Y(N) versus Sc/Y (N) (Fig. 5 and
Fig. 6). The Nd/Y ratio clearly distinguishes garnets with the
sinuous REE pattern (Nd/Y >>1) from those with more typical
LREE depleted patterns (Nd/Y <<1). Sc contents in Cr-pyrope
garnet fall within a very restricted range (100-150 ppm) and because
Sc appears to be preferentially accommodated into garnet during
depletion, Sc/Y provides a measure of the depletion of HREE.
Values of Sc/Y >>1 are indicative of the depleted compositions,
whereas Sc/Y ~1 are obtained from undepleted lherzolitic garnets.
The quadrant defined by Nd/Y >1 and Sc/Y >1 contains all
of the diamond inclusion garnets and a significant number of garnets
from the diamondiferous pipes. This plot and a plot of Zr/Y (N)
versus Sc/Y (N) (not shown here) provide examples of the simple
discrimination tests using the expanded trace element suite to
estimate the diamond potential of a pipe. Diamondiferous pipes
such as Sytykanskaya, Liqhobong, Newlands and Slave have up to
70% of the Cr-pyrope garnets plotting in the field defined by
the diamond inclusions. In the low-grade Leicester pipe the proportion
of concentrate diamonds in the diamond inclusion field is <
50%, and in the barren Uintjiesberg pipe the proportion is nil.
Griffin, W.L. and Ryan, C.G., 1995. J. Geochem. Explor., 53, 311-337.
Griffin, W.L., Gurney, J.J. and Ryan, C.G., 1992. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 110, 1-15.
Griffin, W.L., Sobolev, N.V., Ryan, C.G., Pokhilenko, N.P., Win, T.T. and Yefimov, Y., 1993. Lithos, 29, 235-256
Norman, M.D., Pearson, N.J., Sharma, A. and Griffin, W.L., 1996. Geostandards Newsletter, 20, 247-261.
Shimizu, N. and Richardson, S., 1987. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 51, 755-758.
Shimizu, N. and Sobolev, N.V., 1995. Nature, 375, 394-397.
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