Counting statistics and a method for reducing lower limits of detection in LAM-ICPMS analysis
N.J. Pearson and W.L. Griffin, GEMOC, Macquarie
In laser ablation (LA-) ICPMS, the background is measured on the
nebuliser gas flow that first passes through the sample chamber
and then to the ICPMS. This is routinely done immediately prior
to ablation of the sample and the same quadrupole counting parameters
are used to measure both the background and the signal from the
sample. The precision on the background measurement is the most
significant factor in the estimation of the lower limit of detection.
Two parameters that affect the lower limit of detection are the
dwell time and the number of replicate measurements: these combined,
give the total time each mass is counted. Typical counting protocols
for LA-ICPMS involve only one sweep per reading and one reading
per replicate, with a large number of replicate measurements (typically
50-150 replicates for 30 analyte masses). Signal intensity is
commonly displayed and recorded as a count rate (counts/sec/replicate)
rather than as the number of counts detected (counts/replicate).
At low count intensities, especially backgrounds of heavy masses
(>70), counts/sec/replicate will give an apparent count rate
and not the true count rate. The factor relating 'apparent cps'
to 'true cps' is inversely proportional to dwell time and introduces
significant imprecision into the measurement. If the dwell time
is set at 1000 ms and one count is detected then the count rate
is 1 cps, however if the dwell time is changed to 50 ms and one
count is detected in this 50 ms period, then the apparent count
rate will be 20 cps for that replicate. On this basis the counting
time for the background should be defined statistically by a suitable
number of replicate measurements rather than by counting for a
specific time.
A series of experiments was performed in which the dry plasma
background was measured on the ELAN 5100 in GEMOC using combinations
of dwell time and replicate measurements, in order to establish
the relative importance of these two parameters.
Table1: Background precision as a function of dwell time and
number of replicate measurements.
Background count rates (cps) | |||||||||
The results of these experiments are given in Table 1 and show
that for equal total count times, the precision is much better
when long dwell times are used, despite the large number of replicates
measured at the shorter dwell times. The calculated lower limits
of dectection will be a factor of 5 times lower for the 1000 ms
dwell time experiments than those for 40 ms.
The method for quantitative analysis has been modified by measuring
backgrounds with extended dwell times at the start, middle and
end of each analytical run. Examples of how this method reduces
the lower level of detection and improves signal quality will
be given. The drift stability of the ELAN 5100 contributes to
the success of this procedure.
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