The Secular Evolution of the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle and its implications
W.L. Griffin1,2, S.Y. O'Reilly1 and M. Gregoire1
1. GEMOC, Macquarie, 2. CSIRO EM
Major changes in the composition of subcontinental lithospheric
mantle (SCLM) with time can be inferred by comparing the compositions
of peridotite xenoliths in Cenozoic basaltic rocks and in kimberlites
that penetrate Archean cratons. The Archean SCLM is more strongly
depleted, but differs from Phanerozoic SCLM in having lower Ca/Al
and higher Si/Mg at any Mg# (Boyd, 1989). Other comparisons (Boyd,
1996) suggest that Phanerozoic SCLM is similar in many respects,
but not all, to abyssal peridotites formed at mid-ocean ridges.
Lithosphere mapping using garnet concentrates from kimberlites
and other volcanic rocks has produced images of the thermal state
and lithostratigraphy of the lithospheric mantle to depths of
150 to 250 km in >35 localities worldwide. These sections also
show consistent differences between Archean and younger lithosphere.
We have used major- and trace-element analyses of >13,000 peridotitic
garnet xenocrysts in volcanic rocks worldwide, to examine secular
trends in SCLM composition. The average composition of such xenocrysts
is strongly correlated with the tectonothermal age of the continental
crust penetrated by the host volcanic rocks. Garnet composition
can in turn be correlated with lithology by comparison with data
from xenoliths, and used to estimate the relative abundances of
different rock types in individual mantle sections. Strongly
subcalcic harzburgites, representing extremely depleted compositions,
are found only in SCLM beneath Archean terrains. Mildly subcalcic
harzburgites are common beneath Archean terrains, less abundant
beneath Proterozoic terrains, and essentially absent beneath terrains
with tectonothermal ages <1 Ga. Lherzolites (defined as all
clinopyroxene-bearing peridotites) are the most common rock type
even in Archean mantle, and make up essentially all of the lithospheric
mantle beneath younger terrains. Garnets from lherzolites show
a decrease of mean Cr content and Zr/Y, and a rise in mean Y and
Y/Ga, with decreasing crustal age. Observed correlations between
garnet composition and xenolith bulk-rock chemistry, and modelling
using empirical element distribution coefficients, show that these
changes in garnet composition reflect a rise in the average (cpx+gnt)
and cpx/gnt of the peridotitic subcontinental lithosphere, from
Early Proterozoic time to the present. This trend, coupled with
the decrease in the relative abundance of harzburgites through
time, requires that the average composition of subcontinental
lithospheric mantle has become progressively less depleted in
basaltic components throughout Earth's history, corresponding
to a progressive decrease in the average degree of melt extraction
from the material that became lithosphere. This change suggests
an evolution in fundamental large-scale Earth processes, probably
related to secular cooling.
The compositional evolution outlined here will result in differences
in seismic signature between areas with mantle of different tectonothermal
age. Typical Archean and Phanerozoic lherzolites have Vp of 8.1
and 7.8 km/sec at 600°C. At 1000°C the difference in
Vp decreases to 7.8 and 7.6 respectively. If the harzburgitic
component is considered, the average velocities beneath Archean
cratons will be lowered further. The keels with high Vs and Vp,
extending to depths of 250-450 km beneath the older (>1.7 Ga)
parts of many cratons, commonly are interpreted as cooler than
the mantle beneath younger cratons and Phanerozoic mobile belts,
which have no significant Vs anomalies. However, at least part
of the difference in seismic signature may be related to compositional
differences. The harzburgites and highly depleted lherzolites
of Archean mantle will contribute to the Vs and Vp anomaly beneath
the >2.5 Ga cratons, but the roots of Early Proterozoic cratons
do not contain such rocks; this suggests that moderately depleted
lherzolites also can provide a seismic anomaly. In areas where
Archean lithospheric mantle has been replaced by Phanerozoic material,
dramatic changes in the seismic and gravity signatures and topography
can occur, reflecting changes in both the density and the thermal
state of the lithospheric mantle. An example is the eastern part
of the Sino-Korean Craton (Griffin et al. 1996).
While the garnet data are consistent with xenolith data from Archean
and Phanerozoic terrains, there are few xenolith suites from Proterozoic
terrains, and xenoliths in Cenozoic basalts may sample mantle
perturbed by the lithospheric thinning that accompanies the volcanism.
Studies of orogenic peridotite massifs, and especially garnet
peridotite massifs, may provide critical data on the Proterozoic
to early Phanerozoic evolution of SCLM composition. Further studies
of these bodies, such as the Moldanubian garnet peridotites (Becker,
1996), may shed further light on the secular evolution of subcontinental
mantle, and on the processes that have produced it.
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