LAM-ICPMS analysis of resistate minerals: applications to mineral exploration
W.L. Griffin, N.J. Pearson and S.Y. O'Reilly, GEMOC, Macquarie
Resistate Indicator Minerals (RIMs) are minor components of ores
or ore-related rocks, that are resistant to chemical weathering
and survive mechanical transport in surface environments. They
are physically recognisable, can be recovered from stream or soil
samples, and form a dispersion halo that is larger than the ore
body, and thus provides a larger exploration target. This technique,
originally developed by the diamond exploration industry, can
be applied to exploration for a range of other ore deposit types.
It is especially useful in terrains such as Australia, where
the ore bodies themselves may be heavily weathered so that only
RIMs have survived at the surface.
The main problem in applying the RIMs technique is that similar
minerals may be shed into drainages both by ore bodies and by
unmineralised rocks. Cr-pyrope garnets are commonly used as indicator
minerals to find potentially diamondiferous kimberlites and lamproites,
but 99% of the bodies found are uneconomic. Similarly, Cr-rich
spinels may be associated both with kimberlites and lamproites,
but also with magnesian volcanic rocks (komatiites) that do not
contain diamond -- but some of which may contain economic Ni deposits.
Considerable effort has been expended to define geochemical discriminants
to separate ore-related RIMs from misleading ones; because the
technique must be applied on a grain-by-grain basis, most of these
attempts have been based on major-element analysis by electron
microprobe. While major-element analysis may give a useful first
cut, it commonly leaves a large degree of ambiguity. The application
of trace-element data has been more successful, for several reasons
(1) trace elements show larger concentration ranges than major
elements; (2) they have larger interphase partition coefficients
and thus are more process-sensitive; (3) they provide a larger
number of variables to be used in multi-element discriminants.
LAM-ICPMS is an ideal tool for RIMs analysis: its high sensitivity
provides simultaneous quantitative analysis of a wide range of
elements above MDL (25-30 elements in a typical array); a spatial
resolution of 30-50 µm allows multiple analyses of individual
grains (typically 200-500 µm diameter); it requires little
sample preparation and analysis is rapid. Using a UV laser microprobe
built by Memorial University, coupled to a PE Elan 5100 ICPMS,
GEMOC routinely analyses a range of RIMs for research purposes
and as a contract service to the mineral exploration industry.
EMP data are used to provide internal standarization, and most
analyses are carried out with the NIST 610 glass as the external
standard; the techniques are described by Norman et al. (1996).
Examples of applications:
(1) Cr-pyrope garnets in diamond exploration. The major/trace-element combination provides early discrimination between diamondiferous and barren deposits, primarily using Ni, REE and HFSE elements. The data also allow characterization of the lithospheric mantle beneath an area; this information is useful in area selection for diamond exploration.
(2) Cr-spinels in diamond and Ni exploration. A variety of HFSE elements can be used to recognise chromites derived directly from the mantle and carried up in kimberlites, lamproites and other potentially diamondiferous rocks (Yao et al., this meeting). Komatiitic chromites can be clearly discriminated from kimberlitic/lamproitic ones, which is important for exploration in areas with both rock types (such as West Australia).
(3) Tourmaline (a complex borosilicate) is associated with many Pb-Cu-Zn ore deposits, but also with many barren rocks. These two occurrences can be recognised on the basis of trace-element patterns and Fe/Zn ratios; Cu-Pb-Zn ratios in tourmalines mirror those in associated sulfide ores.
(4) Zircons from kimberlites can be discriminated from crustal
zircons on the basis of REE, Th and U contents. Work in progress
(E. Belousova) is aimed at recognition of zircons from a wide
variety of rocks and ore deposit types.
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