The Kerguelen archipelago : an hypothetic continental mafic protolith
M. Gregoire1, S. Y. O'Reilly1, J.Y. Cottin3 and A. Giret3 1.
GEMOC, Macquarie, 2. Dépt de Géologie, Université
Jean Monnet, Saint Etienne
The ultramafic and mafic xenoliths from the Kerguelen Islands
occur in dykes, lava-flows and breccia pipes of the youngest and
more alkaline magmas. They include many types of ultramafic and
mafic xenoliths entrained by within-plate basalts in continental
and oceanic settings (except eclogites and garnet peridotites).
Two main types can be distinguished, corresponding to types I
and II xenoliths in the Frey and Prinz classification (1978) [equivalent
to Wilshire & Shervais (1975) Cr-diopside and Al-augite series
respectively]. The first type consists of mantle spinel-bearing
harzburgites and dunites and associated composite xenoliths. The
second type comprises a wide variety of metamorphosed igneous
rocks ranging from peridotites to basic granulites. Three main
mineralogical sub-types have been distinguished for the type II
xenoliths. The first (IIa) is the two pyroxenes-spinel series
which represents 45 % of the whole collected xenoliths. It comprises
a series of rocks showing a regular modal evolution from ultramafic
rocks such as wehrlites, clinopyroxene-rich lherzolites, websterites
with or without olivine and plagioclase, to mafic rock types such
as metagabbros and metagabbronorites with or without garnet and
sapphirine. The second subgroup (IIb) is the clinopyroxene + ilmenite
+ spinel series represented by clinopyroxenites with or without
garnet and by garnet bearing metagabbros. The third subgroup (IIc)
is made of ilmenite bearing metagabbros. The type II xenoliths
are deep crustal and upper mantle segregates from the mantle derived
tholeiitic-transitional basaltic magmas (type IIa and Type IIc
xenoliths) and the mantle derived alkaline basaltic magmas (type
IIb xenoliths) of the archipelago.
Preliminary isotopic data (Mattielli et al., 1996) suggest
that some of the type II xenoliths record various degrees of mixing
between a depleted MORB-related mantle source and the Kerguelen
plume source. Moreover, all the type II plagioclase-bearing rocks
have reequilibrated in the granulite facies, i.e. in the P-T
conditions of the Kerguelen oceanic lower crust and upper mantle.
In particular, the trace-element characteristics of the type II
cpx and garnet evidence the importance of the subsolidus reequilibration.
These mafic granulites are the first occurrence ever reported
in an oceanic environment (Grégoire et al., 1994).
The existence of oceanic granulites beneath the Kerguelen islands
is consistent with the presence of a thickened crust evidenced
by the seismic studies (14-20 km, Charvis, 1984; Recq et al.,
1990; Operto & Charvis, 1996). Furthermore the calculated
Vp vawes for basic granulites are consistent with those observed
in the low-velocity region beneath the oceanic crust (Vp = 7.2-7.5
km s-1). Thus, the first study of the Kerguelen ultramafic and
mafic xenoliths supports crustal thickening consistent with previously
recorded seismic velocity characteristics. The synergy of the
young East-Indian Ridge and of the Kerguelen hot spot is considered
to have caused voluminous tholeiitic-transitional magmas with
resultant intrusion and formation of associated cumulates in the
vicinity of the Moho. The process of crustal thickening by deep
intrusions later amplified by the extrusive volcanic sequences
related to the longevity of the hot spot activity, may explain
the occurrence of basic granulites in an oceanic setting.
It exist a significant volume of basic granulite beneath the Kerguelen
archipelago. The existence of "low-velocity" zones beneath
oceanic areas have been recognized beneath the Marquesas, the
Ontong Java plateau and Broken Ridge, and a progressive change
in seismic velocities has also been proposed for the Madagascar
ridge and the Crozet plateau. Those results lead us to speculate
that basic granulites may explain for the observed seismic characteristics,
and then they can be important constituents in those oceanic areas
where large-scale magma production happened.
On the other hand, the Kerguelen basaltic traps are intruded by
many volcano-plutonic complexes with mantle isotopic signatures.
Those intrusive bodies contain abundant intermediate and acid
rocks as monzonites, syenites, trachytes and phonolites. Their
volume, > 15 % of the archipelago, added to the volume of the
deep rocks which have been metamorphized in the granulite facies
in the crust-mantle boundary evidence a density decrease of the
Kerguelen archipelago lithosphere regarding its oceanic environment.
Therefore we propose that the Kerguelen archipelago represents
an oceanic lithospheric bud which low density prevents its further
sinking at deep depths or in an hypothetic subduction process.
The P-T conditions which are calculated from the granulitic assemblages
of the basic type II inclusions are similar to those which have
been proposed for some lower continental crust involved in thinning
processes. That leads to compare the thickened Kerguelen oceanic
lithosphere with the thinned continental lithosphere, and consequently
to propose a model in which the oceanic Kerguelen islands and
surrounding plateau represent the result of a possible continental
nucleation process.
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