Gaul, O.1, O'Reilly, S.Y.1, and Griffin, W.L.1,2
1. GEMOC National Key, School of Earth Sciences, Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia.
2. CSIRO Exploration and Mining, P.O. Box 136, North Ryde, NSW
2113, Australia.
The Australian continent can be broadly divided into two distinct
tectonic domains. The western part of the continent consists
of a number of cratonic blocks of Archaean and Proterozoic age.
The eastern part is made up of a series of terranes which have
been accreted to the continent during Phanerozoic time. The boundary
between these two domains, the Tasman Line, has been defined by
the easternmost outcropping of Precambrian rocks but given the
disparate origins of the domains it separates it is likely to
reflect an important boundary within the lithospheric mantle as
This study aims to understand the differences between these two
domains in terms of lithospheric mantle structure, thermal state
and chemical composition using data from mantle-derived heavy
mineral concentrates. To this end a lithospheric transect has
been constructed using data from a series of localities across
the Tasman Line in southeastern Australia (Fig. 1).
Figure 1. Map showing location of the lithospheric transect
across southeastern Australia.
At each locality along this transect a lithospheric section has
been produced by determining the geotherm and lithospheric thickness.
A lithospheric geotherm can be estimated using the Ni thermometer
and Cr barometer of Ryan et al. (1996), which are single mineral
methods for use with mantle-derived garnet grains. This information
can be used to place each garnet grain in a depth context, which
then allows interpretation of changes in lithosphere chemistry
with depth. Lithospheric thickness can be estimated for each
section through the Y content of garnet grains, on the assumption
that Y-depleted garnets are found only within the lithosphere
and that asthenospheric garnets have high Y contents due interaction
with melts. Using this reasoning the base of the lithosphere
can be defined as the temperature above which Y-depleted garnets
are no longer found. The temperature can then be referred to
the section's geotherm in order to obtain a lithospheric thickness.
Results from these lithospheric sections show an increase in
lithospheric thickness from east to west, from 100 km at Jugiong
to 160 km in South Australia (Fig. 2). This increase in lithospheric
thickness is accompanied by a decrease in geotherm from one lying
above a conductive model equivalent to a surface heat flow of
50 mWm-2 at Jugiong, to a more typically cratonic geotherm near
the 40 mWm-2 conductive model in South Australia.
Figure 2. Estimated lithospheric thicknesses for sections
on the southern Australian transect
Garnet grains can be classified according to their likely source
rock on the basis of their chemistry. In this transect this has
been done using the Ca and Cr contents of garnets to discriminate
between wehrlitic (high Ca), lherzolitic (moderate Ca) and harzburgitic
(low Ca) garnets. This method has enabled the use of a template
to estimate rock type from garnet chemistry.
The southern Australian localities are characterised by predominantly
lherzolitic sections with minor amounts of wehrlitic and Ca-harzburgitic
material. The main change across the transect is in the abundance
of these minor rock types. In the eastern part of the transect
a small proportion of high calcium wehrlitic garnets is seen,
whereas in the westerly sections the proportion of this material
is much less and a small amount of calcic harzburgitic material
is evident.
A more detailed method of looking at variations in lithosphere
chemistry through garnet composition is by the construction of
"chemical sections". These sections can display facets
of garnet chemistry contoured with depth, to study variations
in individual elements with depth within sections and across the
transect. Chemical sections constructed for this transect show
significant variations in minor and trace element characteristics
of garnet throughout the transect. Some of the main features
observed are:
maximum Cr2O3 content of garnet increases from 3% in Phanerozoic areas to >10% in the Proterozoic sections
mean TiO2 content does not vary systematically across the transect but increases with depth in all sections. This reflects the increasing influence of melt-related metasomatism with depth
mean Y/Ga ratios are extremely high in the Jugiong section and
decrease rapidly to the west. This indicates an increase in the
degree of depletion in this direction (Griffin et al., 1998)
While garnet can reflect important variations in lithosphere chemistry,
it is a minor phase in most lherzolites. Olivine, on the other
hand, is the most abundant mantle mineral. The Fe/Mg ratio of
olivine is an important characteristic of lithospheric composition
as it is one of the main determinants of the density of lherzolite
due to the high modal proportion of olivine in these rocks. The
Mg content of olivine is also a useful indicator of the degree
to which the lithosphere has been depleted through the extraction
of basaltic melts. An inversion of O'Neill and Wood's (1979)
garnet-olivine Fe-Mg exchange geothermometer, using the equilibrium
temperature calculated by the Ni thermometer in conjunction with
the measured garnet composition, has been developed to calculate
the Fe-Mg composition of olivine coexisting with each garnet grain.
The algorithm for implementing this inversion has been tested
on garnets from xenoliths where the composition of olivine was
known. Xenoliths from both Archaean (Kaapvaal Craton) and Phanerozoic
(eastern China) mantle were used in this test to ensure applicability
to a variety of tectonic areas. The tests indicate that the inversion
can reproduce olivine Fo contents with an error of ±0.5.
Figure 3. Variation in Mg content of olivine across the southern
Australian transect.
The results of applying this inversion to the southern Australian
transect show a core of high Mg# olivine in the shallow portions
of the most westerly sections (Fig. 3). Olivine in these volumes
have Fo contents of 92-93. The easternmost sections have Fo contents
of 90-91. The general trend is, therefore, to higher Mg# in olivine
towards the craton, reflecting a greater degree of depletion beneath
the Proterozoic craton. There also is an overall trend to lower
values with increasing depth within each section, probably due
to the increasing metasomatic effects of melts with depth.
Griffin, W.L., O'Reilly, S.Y., Ryan, C.G., Gaul, O., & Ionov,
D.A., 1992, Secular variation in the composition of subcontinental
lithospheric mantle: geophysical and geodynamic implications,
in Braun, J., Dooley, J.C., Goleby, B.R., van der Hilst, R.D.,
& Klootwijk, C. T., eds., Structure and Evolution of the Australian
Continent: AGU Geodynamics Series, 26, 1998, p. 1-26.
O'Neill, H.StC. and Wood, B.J., 1979, An experimental study of
Fe-Mg partitioning between garnet and olivine and its calibration
as a geothermometer: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology,
70, p. 59-70.
Ryan, C.G., & Griffin, W.L., 1996, Garnet geotherms: Pressure-temperature
data from Cr-pyrope garnet xenocrysts in volcanic rocks: Journal
of Geophysical Research, 101, p. 5611-5625.
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