Davies, R. M.1, O'Reilly, S. Y.1, Griffin,
W. L.1, 2
1. GEMOC National Key Centre, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, 2109, Australia
2. CSIRO Exploration and Mining, P. O. Box 136, North Ryde, NSW,
2113, Australia
The internal structure of diamonds can be qualitatively studied
using electron microscope or cathodoluminescence (CL) imagery.
CL highlights variations in impurity distribution, and CL images
can show changes in morphology during growth, dissolution and
deformation, and may provide a spatial context for interpretation
of nitrogen content and nitrogen aggregation states measured by
infrared spectroscopy (eg. Bulanova, 1995). CL data are usually
collected as colour images. Colour variations on a CL image are
mainly related to variations in nitrogen content between different
parts of the diamond, and to a lesser extent to the presence of
other trace impurities. Nitrogen is the most common impurity incorporated
in the diamond lattice (Type I) and produces a variable blue colour
on the CL image. Yellow CL colours are less common, and do not
appear to indicate incorporated impurities. Rather, they occur
in stress or defect zones with low nitrogen contents, such as
amorphous seeds (commonly hydrogen-bearing), around mineral inclusions
and radiation spots, and along deformation laminae. Regions with
trace amounts of nitrogen have dark CL colours.
Alluvial diamonds from Bingara and Wellington in eastern Australia
are dominated by a unique population of diamonds, herein termed
Group B: these have highly resorbed crystal forms, distinctive
surface features, calcium-rich eclogitic inclusions accompanied
by abundant coesite inclusions, and heavy carbon isotope signatures
(_13C -5 to +3; see summary by Davies et al., this
volume). Like other eastern Australian alluvial diamonds, the
Group B diamonds come from an unidentified source and occur in
a Phanerozoic tectonic setting. CL studies of these diamonds have
been carried out as part of a larger study which aims to characterise
the diamonds, understand their origin, and constrain exploration
Polished central plates and faces of 54 Group B diamonds were
investigated using CL. The diamonds were divided into two groups,
based on surface morphology, internal CL, and infrared absorption
characteristics: a yellow group with high nitrogen contents and
nitrogen aggregation states (1000 - 2500 ppm; 18 to 42 %IaB),
and the presence of carbonate and hydrogen, and a white and brown
group with low to trace amounts of nitrogen (<400 ppm N and
< 15 %IaB to 1000 ppm and 60 %IaB in some cores). All Group
B diamonds have lustrous low-relief resorbed surfaces without
primary octahedral faces. Common surface features include deformation
laminae which are only partially developed and cross-cut the stones
in several directions. The deformation laminae occur as raised
features that often show herringbone structure. This is not a
twinning feature but represents less-resorbed surfaces of the
stone that retain evidence of growth layering while the surrounding
surfaces are more rounded by resorption. The low-nitrogen diamonds
show greater evidence of deformation, containing small strain
hillocks, lamination lines and deep cavities on the resorbed surfaces.
CL images of the nitrogen-rich group of diamonds are homogeneous
and blue. A few of these diamonds show planar internal structures,
which indicate octahedral form and growth in stable conditions
(Bulanova, 1995). Examples of this occur in which Type II intergrowths
and rims are aligned with octahedral planes. In contrast, diamonds
of the nitrogen-poor group have complex internal structures, with
thick concentric non-planar Type Ia and Type II layers that may
indicate unstable and dynamic growth histories, during which deformation
occurred simultaneously with diamond growth. More than half of
the low-nitrogen Group B stones show a large rounded nitrogen
rich (ca 900 ppm) central structure, possibly representing a resorbed
form. The round centres are overgrown by nitrogen-poor diamond
which is either continuous out to the rim of the stone, or may
be overgrown by an oscillating sequence of Type Ia and Type II
layers with sharp contacts, suggesting growth under rapidly changing
conditions. Within the round central structures, small Type II
triangular shards may occur, indicative of the interplay of (111)
octahedral planes integrating Type II cube (100) facets on a micro-scale
(Frank et al., 1990). On a macro-scale only non-planar facets
are observed, and unlike diamond from other occurrences (eg. Group
A diamonds from Wellington, NSW; Davies et al., this volume),
planar octahedral layers never assimilate the less stable rounded
facets as growth proceeds (Figure 1).
Figure 1. CL image of non-planar concentric zoning with a nitrogen -rich centre.
Figure 2. Reniform structures outside central zone.
The non-planar concentric zoning structures are comparable to
those seen in zoned grandite garnets from hydrothermal systems
(Jamtveit and Andersen, 1994). Other non-planar structures, occurring
in about a third of these diamonds, include sub-parallel bands
with thick brush-stroke textures that may be a form of sector
structure. One diamond shows reniform structures (Figure 2); in
another the central zone contains dendritic structures and part
of the rim zone contains a cluster of small oscillatorily-zoned
cube forms that appear to be growth nuclei (Figure 3).
Figures 3. Lobed structures with a cluster of small oscillatorily zoned cube forms on rim (bottom right).
Figure 4. Brittle deformation structures showing displacements
of zoning with Type II annealing.
Deformation is ubiquitous in the low-nitrogen Group B diamonds.
However, it is evident not as the fine cross-hatched linear features
typical of most plastic deformation in diamond, but as brittle
displacements of layers throughout the stones (Fig. 4). Stronger
deformation produces cataclastic disruption of layers and brecciation
of internal structures (Figure 5). In an extreme case, the diamond
consists of small crystallites with a mottled blue texture in
CL, apparently deformed to the point of recrystallisation. Where
strain displacements occur, Type II diamond anneals the ruptured
zones. Deformation zones may be overgrown by undeformed diamond,
showing that diamond growth was accompanied by and also post-dated
Figure 5. Cataclastic deformation structures with Type I and Type II diamond.
Figure 6. Diffuse N-rich domains in N-poor diamond.
Deformation in zones of diamonds with trace amounts of nitrogen
appears as a network of fine lines of blue CL on a dark background.
Nitrogen has apparently diffused along these cracks, sometimes
concentrating as diffuse domains of blue CL independent of growth
zoning (Figure 6). This feature may provide important insights
into nitrogen aggregation in diamond, as it is evidence that deformation
(Evans, 1992), as well as temperature and time (Allan and Evans,
1981) promotes the aggregation process. The high-nitrogen diamonds
show little evidence of deformation, apart from the linear features
on the diamond surfaces. Apparently CL is unable to identify evidence
of deformation in these diamonds, possibly due to the high nitrogen
content. Alternatively, it is possible that high nitrogen contents
may somewhat inhibit deformation (Milledge pers. comm., 1996).
The Group B diamonds may have grown rapidly in a stress field.
A group of nitrogen-poor diamonds shows complex structures comparable
to those in minerals grown in hydrothermal systems. The inability
of these diamonds to attain ideal octahedral or cubic forms throughout
their growth histories, combined with displacements of growth
zones and the occurrence of dendritic structures and other non-planar
growth forms, suggests that they grew rapidly during and following
episodes of high strain. In the same population, a nitrogen-rich
group of stones containing traces of carbonate and hydrogen have
homogenous blue CL structures. These diamonds may have also grown
rapidly, incorporating abundant impurites (Navon et al., 1988).
The nitrogen-poor diamond group may have formed at lower oxygen
fugacities (Humbert et al., 1997), at higher temperatures and
hence higher rates of lattice diffusion (Watson, 1997), or in
a more nitrogen-depleted environment, than the high-nitrogen diamonds.
Allen, B. P. and Evans, T., 1981, Aggregation of nitrogen in diamond, including platelet formation: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., A375, p. 93-104.
Bulanova, G. P., 1995, The formation of diamond: J. Geochem. Expl., 53, p. 1-23.
Evans, T., 1992, Aggregation of nitrogen in diamonds: In: The Properties of Synthetic and Natural Diamonds (J. E. Field, ed.). Academic Press, p. 259-290.
Frank, F. C., Lang, A. R., Evans, D. J. F., Rooney, M. L. T., Spear, P. M. and Welbourn, C. M., 1990, Orientation-dependent nitrogen incorporation on vicinals on synthetic diamond cube growth surfaces: J. Cryst. Growth, 100, p. 354-376.
Humbert, F., Libourel, G., Marty, B., France-Lanord, C., 1997, Nitrogen solubility in silicate melt under oxidized and reduced conditions using laser extraction/static mass spectrometry analysis: Abstr. Seventh Ann. V. M. Goldschmidt Conf., p. 101-102.
Jamtveit, B. and Andersen, T.B. 1994. Morphological instabilities during rapid growth of metamorphic garnets. Phys. Chem. Min., 19, 176-184.
Navon, O. Hutcheon, I. D., Rossman, G. R., and Wasserburg, G. J., 1988., Mantle-derived fluids in diaond micro-inclusions: Nature, 335, p. 784-789.
Watson, E. B., 1996, Surface enrichment and trace-element uptake
during crystal growth: Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 60, p. 5013-5032.
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