Professor Ron H. Vernon
MSc UNE, PhD Syd.
Professor Ron H. Vernon,is an Emeritus Professor of Geology at the ARC National Key Centre for Geochemical Evolution and Metallogeny of Continents (GEMOC).
Contact DetailsOffice : E7A 504 Professor R.H Vernon |
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Fields of research
- Microstructures of igneous and metamorphic rocks
- Migmatites
- Physical processes in granite magmas
- Pluton emplacement
- Porphyroblast-matrix microstructural relationships in deformed metamorphic rocks
- Relationships between granites, metamorphism and deformation
- Evidence for parent rocks in regional metamorphic terranes
Emeritus Professor of Geology at the ARC National Key Centre for Geochemical Evolution and Metallogeny of Continents (GEMOC).
Adjunct Professor of Geology, Dalhousie University, Canada
Branagan, D.F. and others (five chapters by R.H. Vernon) 1970: Beneath the Scenery. Science Press, Sydney.
Vernon, R.H. 1976: Metamorphic Processes. Murby, London; Wiley, New York, 247 pp. (Russian translation 1980; Chinese translation 1983; English edition reprinted with revision 1985).
Vernon, Ron 2000: Beneath Our Feet — The Rocks of Planet Earth. Cambridge University Press, 216 pp.
Vernon, Ron H. 2004: A Practical Guide to Rock Microstructure. Cambridge University Press, 594 pp.
Vernon, R. H. & Clarke, G. L. 2008: Principles of Metamorphic Petrology. Cambridge University Press, 446 pp.
Edited Volumes
Microstructural Processes During Deformation and Metamorphism (edited by T.H. Bell and R.H. Vernon), Tectonophysics, v. 58, 1979.
Granulite Metamorphism (edited by B.J. Hensen and R.H. Vernon), Journal of Metamorphic Geology, v. 9, 1991.
Refereed Scientific Papers
Vernon, R.H. and Williams, K.L. 1960: Bertrandite from Mica Creek, Queensland. American Mineralogist, 45, 1300-1303.
Vernon, R.H. 1961: The geology and petrology of the Uralla area, N.S.W. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 95, 23-33.
Vernon, R.H. 1961: Banded albite-rich rocks of the Broken Hill district, New South Wales. CSIRO Mineragraphic Investigations Technical Paper, 3, 59 pp.
Vernon, R.H. 1961: Magnetic susceptibility as a measure of total iron plus manganese in some ferromagnesian silicate minerals. American Mineralogist, 46, 1141-1153.
Vernon, R.H. 1962: Coexisting cummingtonite and hornblende in an amphibolite from Duchess, Queensland, Australia. American Mineralogist, 47, 360-370.
Wilkinson, J.F.G., Vernon, R.H. and Shaw, S.E. 1964: The petrology of an adamellite-porphyrite from the New England Bathylith (New South Wales). Journal of Petrology, 5, 461-488.
Vernon, R.H. 1965: Plagioclase twins in some mafic gneisses from Broken Hill, Australia. Mineralogical Magazine, 35, 488-507.
Hobbs, B.E. and Vernon, R.H. 1965: The structural and metamorphic history of the area around the northern half of the Broken Hill lode. Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 8th Commonwealth Mining and Metallurgical Congress, 6, 1419-1428.
Vernon, R.H. 1968: Microstructures of high-grade metamorphic rocks at Broken Hill, Australia. Journal of Petrology, 9, 1-22.
Hobbs, B.E., Ransom, D.M., Williams, P.F. and Vernon, R.H. 1968. The Broken Hill ore body, Australia — a review of recent work. Mineralium Deposita, 3, 293-316.
Raam, A., O'Reilly, S.Y. and Vernon, R.H. 1969: Pumpellyite of deuteric origin. American Mineralogist, 54, 320-324.
Vernon, R.H. 1969: The Willyama Complex, Broken Hill area. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 16, 20-56.
Vernon, R.H. 1970: Comparative grain-boundary studies in some basic and ultrabasic granulites, nodules and cumulates. Scottish Journal of Geology, 6, 337-351.
Branagan, D.F. and others (including R.H. Vernon) 1970: The Carboniferous sequence at Glenbawn, N.S.W. Search, 1, 127-129.
Williams, P.F., Hobbs, B.E., Anderson, D.E. and Vernon, R.H. 1971: The structural and metamorphic geology of basement rocks in the McMurdo Sound area, Antarctica. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 18, 127-142.
Vernon, R.H. and Ransom, D.M. 1971: Retrograde schists of the amphibolite facies at Broken Hill, New South Wales. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 18, 267-277.
Phillips, E.R., Ransom, D.M. and Vernon, R.H. 1972: Myrmekite and muscovite developed by retrograde metamorphism at Broken Hill, N.S.W. Mineralogical Magazine, 38, 570-578.
Vernon, R.H. 1972: Reactions involving hydration of cordierite and hypersthene. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 34, 125-137.
Green, T.H. and Vernon, R.H. 1972: Experimental high-pressure hydration of cordierite. Nature Physical Science, 239, 11-13.
Green, T.H. and Vernon, R.H. 1974: Cordierite breakdown under high-pressure hydrous conditions. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 46, 215-226.
Vernon, R.H. 1974: Controls of mylonitic compositional layering during non-cataclastic ductile deformation. Geological Magazine, 111, 121-131.
Vernon, R.H. 1975: Deformation and recrystallization of a plagioclase grain. American Mineralogist, 60, 884-888.
Vernon, R.H. 1975: Microstructural interpretation of some fibrolitic sillimanite aggregates. Mineralogical Magazine, 40, 303-306.
Vernon, R.H. and Powell, C. McA. 1976: Porphyroblastesis and displacement: some new textural criteria from pelitic hornfels — a comment. Mineralogical Magazine, 40, 787-788.
Marshall, D.M., Vernon, R.H. and Hobbs, B.E. 1976: Experimental deformation and recrystallization of a peristerite. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 57, 49-54.
Vernon, R.H. and Flood, R.H. 1977: Interpretation of some metamorphic assemblages containing fibrolitic sillimanite. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 59, 227-235.
Vernon, R.H. 1977: Relationships between microstructures and metamorphic assemblages. Tectonophysics, 39, 439-452.
Vernon, R.H. and Flood, R.H. 1977: 'Quartz-eye'-bearing porphyroidal rocks and volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits — a discussion. Economic Geology, 72, 698-703.
Flood, R.H., Vernon, R.H. Shaw, S.E. and Chappell, B.W. 1977: Origin of pyroxene-plagioclase aggregates in a rhyodacite. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 60, 299-309.
Vernon, R.H. 1977: Microfabric of mica aggregates in partly recrystallized biotite. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 61, 175-185.
Vernon, R.H. 1978: Porphyroblast-matrix microstructural relationships in deformed metamorphic rocks. Geologische Rundschau, 67, 288-305.
Vernon, R.H. 1978: Pseudomorphous replacement of cordierite by symplectic intergrowths of andalusite, biotite and quartz. Lithos, 11, 283-289.
Flood, R.H. and Vernon, R.H. 1978: The Cooma Granodiorite, Australia: an example of in situ crustal anatexis? Geology, 6, 81-84.
Powell, C. McA. and Vernon, R.H. 1978: Growth and rotation history of garnet porphyroblasts with inclusion spirals in a Karakoram schist. Tectonophysics, 51, 25-43.
Flood, R.H. and Vernon, R.H. 1979: The Cooma Granodiorite, Australia: an example of in situ crustal anatexis? Reply to discussion. Geology, 7, 2.
Vernon, R.H. 1979: Formation of late sillimanite by hydrogen metasomatism (base-leaching) in some high-grade gneisses. Lithos, 12, 143-152.
Vernon, R.H. and Flood, R.H. 1979: Microstructural evidence of time-relationships between metamorphism and deformation in the metasedimentary sequence of the northern Hill End Trough, New South Wales, Australia. Tectonophysics, 58, 127-137.
Flood, R.H. and Vernon, R.H. 1979: Microstructural evidence for the origin of xenoliths in an I-type pluton of the New England Batholith. In: Crust and Upper Mantle of Australia. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Record 1979/2, 39-41.
Vernon, R.H. and Pooley, G.D. 1981: SEM/microprobe study of some symplectic intergrowths replacing cordierite. Lithos, 14, 75-82.
Vernon, R.H. 1981: Optical microstructure of partly recrystallized calcite in some naturally deformed marbles. Tectonophysics, 78, 601-612.
Etheridge, M.A. and Vernon, R.H. 1981: A deformed polymictic conglomerate — the influence of grain size and composition on the mechanism and rate of deformation. Tectonophysics, 79, 237-254.
Vernon, R.H. 1982: Isobaric cooling of two regional metamorphic complexes related to igneous intrusions in southeastern Australia. Geology, 10, 76-81.
Vernon, R.H. and Flood, R.H. 1982: Some problems in the interpretation of microstructures in granitoid rocks. In: Flood, P.G. and Runnegar, B. (editors) New England Geology. University of New England and AHV Club, 201-210.
Morritt, R.F.C., Powell, C.McA. and Vernon, R.H. 1982: Bedding-plane foliation. In: Borradaile, G.J., Bayly, M.B. and Powell, C.McA. (editors) Atlas of Deformational and Metamorphic Rock Fabrics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 46-49.
Vernon, R.H. 1982: Foliation formed by alignment of kink-band boundaries in biotite. In: Borradaile, G.J., Bayly, M.B. and Powell, C.McA. (editors) Atlas of Deformational and Metamorphic Rock Fabrics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 408-409.
Vernon, R.H. and Powell, C. McA. 1982: Prekinematic, synkinematic and postkinematic porphyroblasts, and porphyroblasts with complex metamorphic histories. In: Borradaile, G.J., Bayly, M.B. and Powell, C.McA. (editors) Atlas of Deformational and Metamorphic Rock Fabrics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 438-453.
Powell, C.McA., Morritt, R.F.C. and Vernon, R.H. 1982: Crenulation morphology of a first-generation cleavage. In: Borradaile, G.J., Bayly, M.B. and Powell, C.McA. (editors) Atlas of Deformational and Metamorphic Rock Fabrics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 164-165.
Fitz Gerald, J.G., Etheridge, M.A. and Vernon, R.H. 1983: Dynamic recrystallization in a naturally deformed albite. Textures and Microstructures, 5, 219-237.
Vernon, R.H., Williams, V.A. and D'Arcy, W.F. 1983: Grainsize reduction and foliation development in a deformed granitoid batholith. Tectonophysics, 92, 123-145.
Etheridge, M.A. and Vernon, R.H. 1983: Comment on Jones and Nur: "Seismic velocity and anisotropy in mylonites and the reflectivity of deep crustal fault zones." Geology, 11, 487-488.
Etheridge, M.A., Wall, V.J. and Vernon, R.H. 1983: The role of the fluid phase during regional metamorphism and deformation. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 1, 205-226.
Vernon, R.H. 1983: Restite, xenoliths and microgranitoid enclaves in granites (Clarke Memorial Lecture). Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 116, 77-103.
Etheridge, M.A., Wall, V.J., Cox, S.F. and Vernon, R.H. 1984: High fluid pressures during regional metamorphism and deformation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 89, 4344-4358.
Vernon, R.H. 1984: Microgranitoid enclaves in granites — globules of hybrid magma quenched in a plutonic environment. Nature, 309, 438-439.
Vernon, R.H. 1985: Possible role of superheated magma in the formation of orbicular granitoids. Geology, 13, 843-845.
Vernon, R.H. 1986: Evaluation of the "quartz-eye" hypothesis. Economic Geology, 81, 1520-1527.
Vernon, R.H. 1986: K-feldspar megacrysts in granites — phenocrysts, not porphyroblasts. Earth-Science Reviews, 23, 1-63.
Vernon, R.H. 1987: Oriented growth of sillimanite in andalusite, Placitas-Juan Tabo area, New Mexico, U.S.A. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 24, 580-590.
Vernon, R.H. 1987: Growth and concentration of fibrous sillimanite related to heterogeneous deformation in K-feldspar – sillimanite metapelites. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 5, 51-68.
Jamieson, R.A. and Vernon, R.H. 1987: Timing of porphyroblast growth in the Fleur de Lys Supergroup, Newfoundland. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 5, 273-288.
Vernon, R.H. 1987: A microstructural indicator of shear sense in volcanic rocks and its relationship to porphyroblast rotation in metamorphic rocks. Journal of Geology, 95, 127-133.
Vernon, R.H., Flood, R.H. and D'Arcy, W.F. 1987: Sillimanite and andalusite produced by base-cation leaching and contact metamorphism of felsic igneous rocks. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 5, 439-450.
Vernon, R.H. 1987: Evaluation of the "quartz-eye" hypothesis — a reply. Economic Geology, 82, 1083-1084.
Vernon, R.H. 1988: Sequential growth of cordierite and andalusite porphyroblasts, Cooma Complex, Australia: microstructural evidence of a prograde reaction. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 6, 255-269.
Vernon, R.H. 1988: Microstructural evidence of rotation and non-rotation of mica porphyroblasts. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 6, 595-601.
Flood, R.H. and Vernon, R.H. 1988: Microstructural evidence of orders of crystallization in granitoid rocks. Lithos, 21, 237-245.
Vernon, R.H., Etheridge, M.A. and Wall, V.J. 1988: Shape and microstructure of microgranitoid enclaves: indicators of magma mingling and flow. Lithos, 22, 1-11.
Vernon, R.H. and Williams, P.F. 1988: Distinction between intrusive and extrusive or sedimentary parentage of felsic gneisses: Examples from the Broken Hill Block, NSW. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 35, 379-388.
Vernon, R.H. and Collins, W.J. 1988: Igneous microstructures in migmatites. Geology, 16, 1126-1129.
Shaw S.E., Flood, R.H. and Vernon, R.H. 1988: The structure of the Dundee rhyodacitic ignimbrite — Dundee, NSW. In Kleeman, J.D. (editor): New England Orogen — Tectonics and Metallogenesis. University of New England Publication, 150-156.
Vernon, R.H. and Flood, R.H. 1988: Contrasting deformation of S- and I-type granitoids in the Lachlan Fold Belt, eastern Australia. Tectonophysics, 147, 127-143.
Paterson, S.R., Vernon, R.H. and Tobisch, O.T. 1989: A review of criteria for the identification of magmatic and tectonic foliations in granitoids. Journal of Structural Geology, 11, 349-363.
Vernon, R.H. 1989: Evidence of syndeformational contact metamorphism from porphyroblast-matrix microstructural relationships. Tectonophysics, 158, 113-126.
Warren, R.G., Shaw, R.D., Hensen, B.J., Vernon, R.H., Clarke, G.L., Collins, W.J. and Oliver. R.L. 1989: Guidebook — Arunta Block, central Australia, IGCP Project 235 — Metamorphism and Geodynamics. Field conference on granulite facies metamorphism, June 25 -July 1, 1989. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics Australia, Record 1989/22, 50 pp.
Paterson, S.R., Tobisch, O.T. and Vernon, R.H. 1989: Penrose Conference report: Criteria for establishing the relative timing of pluton emplacement and regional deformation. Geology, 17, 475-476.
Vernon, R.H. 1989: Porphyroblast-matrix microstructural relationships — recent approaches and problems. In: Daly, J.S., Cliff, R.A. and Yardley, B.W.D. (editors): Evolution of Metamorphic Belts. Geological Society of London, Special Publication 43, 83-102.
Collins, W.J., Flood, R.H., Vernon, R.H. and Shaw, S.E. 1989: The Wuluma granite, Arunta block, central Australia: An example of in situ, near-isochemical granite formation in a granulite-facies terrane. Lithos, 23, 63-83.
Vernon, R.H., Paterson, S.R. and Geary, E.E. 1989: Evidence for syntectonic intrusion of plutons in the Bear Mountains fault zone, California. Geology, 17, 723-726.
Clarke, G.L., Collins, W.J. and Vernon, R.H. 1990: Successive overprinting granulite facies metamorphic events in the Anmatjira Range, central Australia. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 8, 65-88.
Vernon, R.H. 1990: K-feldspar augen in felsic gneisses and mylonites — deformed phenocrysts or porphyroblasts? Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar, 112, 157-167.
Vernon, R.H., Clarke, G.L. and Collins, W.J. 1990: Local mid-crustal granulite facies metamorphism and melting: an example in the Mount Stafford area, central Australia. In Ashworth, J.R. and Brown, M. (editors): High-temperature Metamorphism and Crustal Anatexis, Unwin Hyman, London, 272-319.
Vernon, R.H. 1990: Crystallization and hybridism in microgranitoid enclave magmas: microstructural evidence. In Sawka, W.N. and Hildebrand, R.S. (editors): Mafic inclusions in granites. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95, 17849-17859.
Paterson, S.R., Brudos, T., Fowler, K., Carlson, C., Bishop, K. and Vernon, R.H. 1991: Papoose Flat pluton: forceful expansion or post-emplacement deformation? Geology, 19, 324-327.
Hensen, B.J. and Vernon, R.H. 1991: Granulite metamorphism: introduction. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 9, 221-222.
Paterson, S.R., Tobisch, O.T. and Vernon, R.H. 1991: Emplacement and deformation of granitoids during volcanic arc construction in the Foothills terrane, central Sierra Nevada, California. Tectonophysics, 191, 89-110.
Collins, W.J. and Vernon, R.H. 1991: Orogeny associated with anticlockwise P-T-t paths: evidence from low-P, high-T metamorphic terranes in the Arunta Inlier, central Australia. Geology, 19, 835-838.
Vernon, R.H. 1991: Questions about myrmekite in deformed rocks. Journal of Structural Geology, 13, 979-985.
Paterson, S.R., Vernon, R.H. and Fowler, K.D. 1991: Aureole tectonics. In: Kerrick, D.M. (editor) Contact Metamorphism. Reviews in Mineralogy, 26, 673-722.
Collins, W.J., Vernon, R.H. and Clarke, G.L. 1991: Discrete Proterozoic structural terranes associated with low-P, high-T metamorphism, Anmatjira Range, Arunta Inlier, central Australia: tectonic implications. Journal of Structural Geology, 13, 1157-1171.
Tobisch, O.T., Barton M.D., Vernon, R.H. and Paterson, S.R. 1991: Fluid-enhanced deformation: transformation of granitoids to banded mylonites, western Sierra Nevada, California, and southeastern Australia. Journal of Structural Geology, 13, 1137-1156.
Vernon, R.H. 1991: Interpretation of microstructures of microgranitoid enclaves. In Didier, J. and Barbarin, B. (editors): Enclaves and Granite Petrology, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 277-291.
Collins, W.J. and Vernon, R.H. 1992: Palaeozoic arc growth, deformation and migration across the Lachlan Fold Belt, southeastern Australia. Tectonophysics, 214, 381-400.
Vernon, R.H., Collins, W.J. and Paterson, S.R. 1993: Pre-foliation metamorphism in low-pressure/high-temperature terrains. Tectonophysics, 219, 241-256.
Vernon, R.H., Paterson, S.R. and Foster, D. 1993: Growth and deformation of porphyroblasts in the Foothills terrane, central Sierra Nevada, California: negotiating a microstructural minefield. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 11, 203-222.
Vernon, R.H. and Paterson, S.R. 1993: The Ardara pluton, Ireland: deflating an expanded intrusion. Lithos, 31, 17-32.
Lafrance, B. and Vernon, R.H. 1993: Mass transfer and microfracturing in gabbroic mylonites of the Guadalupe Igneous Complex, California. In: Boland, J.N. and FitzGerald, J.D. (editors) Defects and Processes in the Solid State: Geoscience Applications. The McLaren Volume. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 151-167.
Collins, W.J. and Vernon, R.H. 1993: Comment on Hand et al.: "How well established is isobaric cooling in Proterozoic orogenic belts? An example from the Arunta Inlier, central Australia." Geology, 21, 953-954.
Johnson, S.E., Vernon, R.H. and Hobbs, B.E. 1994: Deformation and metamorphism of the Cooma Complex, southeastern Australia. Geological Society of Australia Specialist Group in Tectonics & Structural Geology Field Guide 4, 89 pp.
Collins, W.J. and Vernon, R.H. 1994: A rift-drift-delamination model of continental evolution: Palaeozoic tectonic development of eastern Australia. Tectonophysics, 235, 249-275.
Camacho, A., Vernon, R.H. and Fitz Gerald, J.D. 1995: Large volumes of pseudotachylyte in the Woodroffe Thrust, eastern Musgrave Ranges, Australia. Journal of Structural Geology, 17, 371-383.
Johnson, S.E. and Vernon, R.H. 1995: Stepping stones and pitfalls in the determination of an anticlockwise P-T-t-deformation path in the low-P, high-T Cooma Complex, Australia. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 13, 165-183.
Vernon, R.H. and Paterson, S.R. 1995: The Ardara pluton, Ireland: deflating an expanded intrusion. Reply to discussion. Lithos, 35, 135-138.
Clarke, G.L., Powell, R. and Vernon, R.H. 1995: Reaction relationships during retrograde metamorphism at Olary, South Australia. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 13, 715-726.
Johnson, S.E. and Vernon, R.H. 1995: Inferring the timing of porphyroblast growth in the absence of continuity between inclusion trails and matrix foliations: can it be reliably done? Journal of Structural Geology, 17, 1203-1206.
Paterson, S.R. and Vernon, R.H. 1995: Bursting the bubble of ballooning plutons: a return to nested diapirs emplaced by multiple processes. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 107, 1356-1380.
Vernon, R.H. 1996: Problems with inferring P-T-t paths in low-P granulite facies rocks. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 14, 143-153.
Vernon, R.H. 1996: Observation versus argument by authority — the origin of enclaves in granites. Journal of Geoscience Education, 44, 57-64.
Tobisch, O.T., McNulty B.A. and Vernon, R.H. 1997: Microgranitoid enclave swarms in granitic plutons, central Sierra Nevada, California. Lithos, 40, 321-339.
Vernon, R.H. 1997: On the identification of textural disequilibrium in rocks using dihedral angle measurements: Comment. Geology, 25, 1055.
Vernon, R.H. 1998: Chemical changes and volume loss during foliation development. In: Treloar, P.J. and O'Brien, P. (Editors): What drives metamorphism and metamorphic reactions? Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 138, 215-246.
Vernon, R.H. 1999: Quartz and feldspar microstructures in metamorphic rocks. Canadian Mineralogist, 37, 513-524.
Vernon, R.H. 1999: Mylonitic deformation of a granitoid rock. In: Snoke, A.W. Tullis, J.A. and Todd, V.R. (editors): Fault-related Rocks: A Photographic Atlas, 318-321.
Vernon, R.H. 1999: Partly recrystallized calcite in some naturally deformed marbles. In: Snoke, A.W. Tullis, J.A. and Todd, V.R. (editors): Fault-related Rocks: A Photographic Atlas, 532-535.
Lafrance, B. and Vernon, R.H. 1999: Coupled mass transfer and microfracturing in gabbroic mylonites. In: Snoke, A.W. Tullis, J.A. and Todd, V.R. (editors): Fault-related Rocks: A Photographic Atlas, 204-207.
Vernon, R.H. 1999: Flame perthite in metapelitic gneisses in the Cooma Complex, SE Australia. American Mineralogist, 84, 1760-1765.
Vernon, R.H. 2000: Review of microstructural evidence of magmatic and solid-state flow. Electronic Geosciences, 5:2.
Vassallo, J.J. and Vernon, R.H. 2000: Origin of megacrystic felsic gneisses at Broken Hill. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 47, 733-748.
Vernon, R.H. and Johnson, S.E. 2000: Transition from gneiss to migmatite and the relationship of leucosome to peraluminous granite in the Cooma Complex, SE Australia. In M.W. Jessell and J.L. Urai, Eds., Stress, Strain and Structure (A volume in honour of W.D. Means). Journal of the Virtual Explorer, 2. (
Vernon, R.H., Richards, S.W. and Collins, W.J. 2001: Migmatite-granite relationships: origin of the Cooma Granodiorite magma. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth (A), 26, 267-271.
Vernon, R.H. and Paterson, S.R. 2001: Axial-surface leucosomes in anatectic migmatites. In: Boland, J.N. and Ord, A. (Editors): Deformation Processes in the Earth’s Crust (Hobbs Volume), Tectonophysics, 335, 183-192.
Williams, P.F. and Vernon, R.H. 2001: Origin of a vertical lineation in conjugate transcurrent shear zones at Broken Hill, Australia. In: Boland, J.N. and Ord, A. (Editors): Deformation Processes in the Earth’s Crust (Hobbs Volume), Tectonophysics, 335, 163-182.
Paterson, S.R. and Vernon, R.H. 2001: Inclusion trail patterns in porphyroblasts from the Foothills Terrane, California: a record of orogenesis or local strain heterogeneity? Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 19, 351-372.
Boland, J., Ord. A., Williams, P.F. and Vernon, R.H. 2001: Preface. In: Boland, J.N. and Ord, A. (Editors): Deformation Processes in the Earth’s Crust (Hobbs Volume), Tectonophysics, 335, vii-xii.
Clarke, D.B., McCuish, K.L., Vernon, R.H., Maksaev, V. and Miller, B.V. 2002: The Port Mouton Shear Zone: intersection of a regional fault with a crystallizing granitoid pluton. Lithos, 61, 141-159.
Vernon, R.H., Paterson, S.R. 2002: Igneous origin of K-feldspar megacrysts in deformed granite of the Papoose Flat Pluton, California, USA. Electronic Geoscience, 7, 31-39.
Vernon, R.H., Collins, W.J. and Richards, S.W. 2003: Contrasting magmas in metapelitic and metapsammitic migmatites in the Cooma Complex, Australia. Visual Geosciences, 8, 45-54.
Johnson, S.E., Fletcher, J.M., Fanning, C.M., Vernon, R.H., Paterson, S.R. and Tate, M.C. 2003: Structure, emplacement and lateral expansion of the San José tonalite pluton, Peninsular Ranges batholith, Baja California, México Journal of Structural Geology, 25, 1933-1957.
Paterson, S.R., Pignotta, G. and Vernon, R.H. 2004: The significance of microgranitoid enclave shapes and orientations. Journal of Structural Geology, 26, 1465-1481.
Vernon, R.H., Johnson, S.E. and Melis, E.A. 2004: Emplacement-related microstructures in the margin of a deformed tonalite pluton: the San José pluton, Baja California, México. Journal of Structural Geology, 26, 1867-1884.
Johnson, S.E., Vernon, R.H. and Upton, P. 2004: Foliation development and progressive strain-rate partitioning in the crystallizing carapace of a tonalite pluton: microstructural evidence and numerical modeling. Journal of Structural Geology, 26, 1845-1865.
Kruhl, J.H. and Vernon, R.H. 2005: Syndeformational emplacement of a tonalitic sheet-complex in a late-Variscan thrust regime: fabrics and mechanism of intrusion, Monte‘e Senes, northeastern Sardinia. Canadian Mineralogist, 43, 387-407.
Vernon, R.H. 2005: Comment. In: Brown, M., Pitcher, W.S. and Vernon, R.H.: Invited comments on Clemens’s ‘Granites and granitic magmas’. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 116, 23-25.
Paterson, S.R., Vernon, R.H. and Zak, J. 2005: Mechanical instabilities and physical accumulation of K-feldspar megacrysts in granitic magma, Tuolumne Batholith, California, USA. In: Köhn, D. (ed): General Contributions 2005. Journal of the Virtual Explorer, Electronic Edition, 18, Paper 1 (ISSN 1441-8142).
Vernon, R.H. 2007: Problems in identifying restite in S-type granites of southeastern Australia, with speculations on sources of magma and enclaves. Canadian Mineralogist, 45, 147-178.
Vernon, R.H., White, R.W. and Clarke, G.L. 2008: False metamorphic events inferred from misinterpretation of microstructural evidence and P-T data. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 26, 437-449.
Vernon, R.H. and Paterson, S.R. 2008: Mesoscopic structures resulting from crystal accumulation and melt movement in granites. Earth and Environmental Sciences Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (Wallace Pitcher Memorial Issue), 97, 369-381.
Paterson, S.R., Farris, D., Memeti, V., Miller, R.B., Pignotta, G.S., Vernon, R.H. and Zák, J. 2008: Is stoping a volumetrically significant pluton emplacement process?: Discussion. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 120, 1075-1079.
Vernon, R.H. and Paterson, S.R. 2008: How late are K-feldspar megacrysts in granites? Lithos, 104, 327-336.
Vernon, R.H. and Paterson, S.R. 2008: How extensive are subsolidus grain-shape changes in cooling granites? Lithos, 105, 85-97.
Johnson, S. E., Marsh, J. H. and Vernon, R. H. 2008: From tonalite to mylonite: coupled mechanical and chemical processes in foliation development and strain localization. In: De Paor, D. (editor): Making Sense of Shear (In honour of Carol Simpson), Journal of the Virtual Explorer, Electronic Edition, (ISSN 1441-8142), 30, Paper 5.
Regenauer-Lieb, K., Hobbs, B. E., K., Ord, A., Gaede, O. & Vernon, R. H. 2009: Deformation with coupled chemical diffusion. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 172, 43-54.
Vernon, R. H. 2010: Granites really are magmatic: using microstructural evidence to refute some obstinate hypotheses. In: Forster, M. A., Fitz Gerald, J. D. & Lister, G. S. (eds): The Science of Microstructure. Journal of the Virtual Explorer, Electronic Edition, ISSN 1441-8142, 35, paper 1.
Vernon, R. H. & Collins, W. J. 2011: Structural criteria for identifying granitic cumulates. Journal of Geology, 119, 127-142.
Vernon, R. H. 2011: Microstructures of melt-bearing metamorphic rocks. In: van Reenen, D. D., Kramers, J., McCourt, S. & Perchuk, L. L. (editors): Origin and Evolution of Precambrian High-grade Gneiss Terrains, with Special Emphasis on the Limpopo Complex of Southern Africa. Geological Society of America Memoir, 207, 1-11.
Pankhurst M. J., Vernon R. H., Turner S. P., Schaefer, B. F. & Foden, J. D. 2011: Contrasting Sr and Nd isotopic behaviour during magma mingling; new insights from the Mannum A-type granite. Lithos, 126, 135-146.
Vernon, R. H., Collins, W. J. & Cook, N. D. J. 2012: Metamorphism and deformation of mafic and felsic rocks in a magma transfer zone, Stewart Island, New Zealand. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 30, 473-488.
In press
Vernon, R. H. and Turner, S.P. 2014: Multiple growth twinning of K-feldspar in a hypersolvus granite. In: Whitmore, F. D. & Escamilla, J. B. (eds): Feldspar: Mineral Composition, Geology and Petrogenesis Significance. Nova Science Publications, Hauppauge, New York.
Vernon, R. H. 2014: Free growth of K-feldspar megacrysts in granitic liquids. In: Whitmore, F. D. & Escamilla, J. B. (eds): Feldspar: Mineral Composition, Geology and Petrogenesis Significance. Nova Science Publications, Hauppauge, New York.
Vernon, R. H. 2014: Do twinned nuclei promote growth of K-feldspar in magmas? In: Whitmore, F. D. & Escamilla, J. B. (eds): Feldspar: Mineral Composition, Geology and Petrogenesis Significance. Nova Science Publications, Hauppauge, New York.
Recent Abstracts
Geological Society of America Cordilleran Meeting (Bateman Symposium on Cordilleran Granites), Portland, Oregon, 22-24 April, 1996:
(1)Tobisch, O.T., McNulty, B.A. and Vernon, R.H.: "Geometry of heterogeneous microgranitoid enclave swarms with special reference to 'layering dikes', central Sierra Nevada, California."
(2) McNulty, B.A., Vernon, R.H. and Tobisch, O.T.: "Heterogeneous microgranitoid enclave swarms: possible mechanisms of formation."
Workshop on "New Developments in Broken Hill-style Deposits", Hobart, Tasmania, 8-9 July, 1996: Vernon, R.H.: "Structural evidence of parent rocks in high-grade metamorphic areas — especially Broken Hill" (invited lecture) CODES Special Publication 1, 17-20.
Mineralogical Studies Group International Conference on "What Controls Metamorphism and the Rates of Metamorphic Processes?" Kingston University, UK, 11-13 September, 1996: Vernon, R.H.: "Relationships Between Metamorphism and Deformation" (invited keynote lecture).
Conference on "Evolution of Metamorphic Belts", La Trobe University, 16-17 December, 1996: Vassallo, J. and Vernon, R.H.: "Structural evidence for granites at Broken Hill."
Geological Association of Canada/Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting (Ralph Kretz Special Session on "Mineral-scale Processes in Metamorphic Petrology") 19-21 May, 1997, Ottawa: Vernon, R.H.: "Quartz and feldspar microstructures in metamorphic rocks."
Geological Association of Canada/Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting (Special Session on "Extraction, transport and Emplacement of Granitic Magmas: Physical Processes and Structural Signatures") 19-21 May, 1997, Ottawa: Vernon, R.H. and Johnson, S.E.: “Transition to migmatite and peraluminous granite in the Cooma Complex, SE Australia.”
Gordon Conference on “Rock Deformation”, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, New Hampshire, USA, 10-15 August, 1997: Vernon, R.H.: “Chemical and volume changes during the prograde metamorphism of sediments” (invited keynote lecture).
American Geophysical Union Meeting, Boston, USA, 26-29 May, 1998: Vernon, R.H.: “Flame perthite and myrmekite in high-grade metapelitic gneisses at Cooma, Australia.”
14th Australian Geological Convention, Townsville, 6-10 July, 1998: Co-convener of technical session on “Metamorphic & Deformational Patterns & Processes”; White, R.W., Kelly, N.M., Clarke, G.L. & Vernon, R.H.: “The Grenvillean history of the western Musgrave Block, central Australia.” Geological Society of Australia Abstracts, 49, 464.
International Conference on “Evolution of Structures in Deforming Rocks” (Paul F. Williams Conference), 26-27 September, 1998, Canmore, Alberta, Canada: Vernon, R.H., Paterson, S.R. and Miller, R.B.: “Reactions involving aluminosilicates in the Chiwaukum Schist, northern Cascades, Washington, USA.”
Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology Conference, 14-19 February, 1999, Halls Gap, Victoria: Johnson, S.E., Tate, M.C., Schmidt, K.L., Paterson, S.R., Vernon, R.H. and Fanning, C.M.: “Integrated geological, geochemical and geochronological studies across a crustal-scale ‘suture’ in the Peninsular Ranges batholith, Baja California, Mexico.” Geological Society of Australia Abstracts, 53, p. 121.
EUG 10 Meeting; session on “Textural and Microstructural Tools to Understand Magmatic to Subsolidus Processes in Igneous Rocks”, 28 March-1 April, 1999, Strasbourg, France: Vernon, R.H.: “Review of microstructural evidence of magmatic and solid-state flow” (invited keynote lecture), Journal of Conference Abstracts, 4, p. 678.
Geoscience 2000 meeting, 17-20 April, 2000, Manchester, UK; Co-convenor of session G0029: “Using microstructural and microchemical data to constrain high-temperature processes in rocks”: Vernon, R.H. & S.R. Paterson: "Links between high-temperature deformation and metamorphism in contact metamorphic aureoles in the Foothills Terrane, California."
European Geophysical Society 25th General Assembly, 25-29 April, 2000, Nice, France: session on “ Crustal Melting and granite Magmatism: Causes and Behaviours from Pores to Plutonic Belts in Orogens”: Vernon, R.H., Richards, S. & Collins, W.J.: "Migmatite-granite relationships: origin of the Cooma Granodiorite magma, Lachlan Fold Belt, Australia"
GeoCanada 2000 — Geological Association of Canada/Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting, 29 May-2 June 2000, Calgary, Canada: session on “Granites and Granulites”: Vernon, R.H.: "Granites in high-grade metamorphic terranes" (invited keynote lecture).
Australian Geological Convention, 3-7 July, 2000, Sydney, Australia: Clarke, D.B., McCuish, K.L., Vernon, R.H., Maksaev, V., & Miller, B.V,: “The Mouton Shear Zone: intersection of a crustal-scale fracture with a crystallizing granite pluton.” Geological Society of Australia Abstracts, 59, 84.
Mining Matters for Nova Scotia 2000, 30-31 October, 2000, Halifax, Canada: Clarke, D.B., McCuish, K.L., Vernon, R.H., Maksaev, V., & Miller, B.V,: “The Mouton Shear Zone: when a crustal-scale fracture cuts a crystallizing granite pluton.”
GGW (Gesellschaft der Geologischen Wissenschaften) Workshop "Tektonik und Magma 2001", Meeting in Honour of Hans Cloos: 22-24 June 2001, Bautzen, Germany: Kruhl, J.H. & Vernon, R.H.: "Syntektonisch injizierte Tonalite in einem variszischen Überschiebungsregime: der Mte 'e Senes-Komplex in NE-Sardinien" ("Syntectonically injected tonalites in a Variscan thrust regime: the Mte 'e Senes Complex in north-east Sardinia"). IGCP Project 373; Abstract Volume & Excursion Guide 212 of the GGW, Berlin, pp. 60-61.
Annual Meeting of the German Mineralogical Society (Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft), September, 2001, Potsdam, Germany: Kruhl, J.H. & Vernon, R.H.: "High-level intrusion of syntectonic tonalites in a late-Variscan thrust regime: fabrics and intrusion mechanism." Abstract in the "Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft" — Beihefte N°1 to the European Journal of Mineralogy, Vol.13, 2001.
Geological Society of America, 38th Annual Northeastern Section Meeting, Halifax, Canada; 27-29 March, 2003: Johnson, S.E., Vernon, R.H. and Upton, P.: “Emplacement-related microstructures in the deformed carapace of a tonalite pluton: evidence for fast chamber construction. GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 35, No. 3, February 2003.
Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Seattle; 2-5 November, 2003: Johnson, S.E., Vernon, R.H., Upton, P. and Melis, E.: “Evidence for fast magma chamber construction: the deformed carapace of the San Jose tonalite pluton, Mexico.” GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 35, No. 6, September, 2003.
GeoCanada 2005 — Geological Association of Canada/Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting, 15-18 May 2005, Halifax, Canada: session on “Granite Contamination”: Vernon, R.H.: "Restite in high-level S-type granites of the Lachlan Fold Belt in SE Australia" (invited lecture).
Geological Society of South Africa 4-7 July 2005, Durban, South Africa: Vernon, R.H.: “Structural aspects of igneous cumulates” (invited lecture).
Specialist Group in Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology, First Biennial Conference, 13-15 July 2005, Port Macquarie, NSW: Vernon, R.H.: “Where do high-level granite magmas come from?”
Specialist Group in Tectonics & Structural Geology Conference (“STOMP”), September, 2005, Townsville, Queensland: Vernon, R.H.: “Structural evidence for identifying granite cumulates.”
International Conference in Honour of Ron H. Vernon on “Sheared magmas in nature and experiment: bridging the brittle and ductile fields”: 4-7 October, 2005, Kloster Seeon, Bavaria, Germany: Vernon, R.H. & Paterson, S. R.: “Structures of granite cumulates” (invited lecture).
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting: 22-25 October, 2006. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Jensen, L. A., Lebit, H., Paterson, S. R., Miller, R. B. & Vernon, R. H.: “Co-axial fold interference patterns and inverse metamorphism in the Tonga Formation: evidence for large-scale thrust tectonics in the Cascades crystalline core.” GSA Abstracts with Programs Vol. 38, No. 7.