Associate Professor Kelsie Dadd
BAppSc (Hons) NSWIT, PhD Macq.
Contact DetailsOffice : E7A 106 A/Prof. Kelsie Dadd |
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Kelsie Dadd is Associate Dean for Learning and Teaching and Associate Dean International in the Faculty of Science and Associate Professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Macquarie University, Sydney.
Fields of research
Kelsie’s research interests include the volcanology, geochemistry and tectonics of ancient and modern volcanic rocks in eastern Australia and the surrounding oceans. Kelsie’s work has also taken her to the Bering Sea with the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program to study climate change and ocean circulation over the last five million years. Kelsie is also undertaking research into learning and teaching in the earth sciences, particularly in the areas of experiential and problem-based learning.
Learning and Teaching
- Teaching Philosophy
- Units taught in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Honours and Postgraduate Projects
- Problem-based learning (PBL) in the geosciences
- Experiential learning and the University of the Sea (2.9 MB ppt doc.)
- The Ocean Drilling Program and the undergraduate traineeship program
- L&T grants
- Learning and Teaching Fellowship 2007 for the project “Is there a place for structured work-integrated learning programs in Environmental and Life Sciences?”
- MUTDG in 2005 for the project “Bringing the workplace into the classroom – the redesign of GEOS377 using Tailored Problem-based Learning and real workplace scenarios”
- Flagship Grant in 2001 for the project “Developing generic skills in first year undergraduate students through a tailored “Problem-based Learning strategy”
- L&T publications
- Dadd, K.A. Using Tailored Problem-based Learning and real workplace scenarios to bring the workplace into the classroom. Accepted by J Geosc. Ed. in 2007.
- Dadd, K.A., 2008. The University of the Sea and the benefits to learning of active participation in a research cruise. AESC, Perth, Australia.
- Dadd, K.A., 2007. Using Tailored Problem-based Learning and Volcanoes to teach undergraduate Geoscience. IUGG meeting, Perugia, Italy.
- Dadd, K.A. and Sandwell, R., 2004. The ODP undergraduate student trainee program: taking part in experiential learning at sea. Geological Society of Australia, Abstracts, 73, p202.
Kelsie received the Macquarie University Outstanding Teacher Award in 1999.
Selected Publications
Dadd, K.A. and Van Wagoner, N. A., 2003. Magma composition and viscosity as controls on peperite texture: an example from Passamaquoddy Bay, southeastern Canada. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 114, 63-80.
Dadd, K.A. and Van Wagoner, N. A., 2001. Physical volcanology of the Silurian CVB rocks of Passamaquoddy Bay, southwestern New Brunswick. In, Pickerill, R.K. and Lentz, D.R. (eds) Guidebook to field trips in New Brunswick and western Maine: NEIGC 2001, C2-1 to C2-13.
Dadd, K.A., 1998. Incipient backarc magmatism in the Silurian Tumut Trough, New South Wales: an ancient analogue of the early Lau Basin. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 45, 109-121.
Dadd, K.A., 1998. Origin and significance of megabreccia blocks in the Silurian Goobarragandra Volcanics, southeastern NSW. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 45, 315-321.
Dadd, K.A., 1992. The Middle to Late Devonian Eden - Comerong - Yalwal Volcanic Zone of southeastern Australia: an ancient analogue of the Yellowstone-Snake River Plain region of the U.S.A. Tectonophysics, 214, 277-291.
Dadd, K.A., 1992. Structures within large volume rhyolite lava flows of the Devonian Comerong Volcanics, southeastern Australia and the Pleistocene Ngongotaha lava dome, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 54, 33-51.
Stuart-Smith, P.G. and Dadd, K.A., 1993. Tumut Region Field Guide. IAVCEI Canberra 1993.
Van Wagoner, N.A., Dadd, K.A., Baldwin, D.K. and McNeil, W., 1994. Physical volcanology, stratigraphy, and depositional setting of the middle Paleozoic volcanic and sedimentary rocks of Passamaquoddy Bay, southwestern New Brunswick. Geological Survey of Canada Paper 91-14, 46p.
Van Wagoner, N.A., Leybourne, M.I., Dadd, K.A., Huskins, M.L.A., 2001. The Silurian(?) Passamaquoddy Bay mafic dyke swarm, New Brunswick: petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 38, 1565-1578.
Van Wagoner, N.A., Leybourne, M.I., Dadd, K.A., Baldwin, D.K. and McNeil, W., 2002. Late Silurian bimodal volcanism of southwestern New Brunswick, Canada: Products of continental extension. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 114, 400–418.
Conference Presentations
Dadd, K.A., 1984. The volcanic stratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Eden - Comerong - Yalwal rift zone. 7th Australian Geological Convention Abstracts, p. 126.
Dadd, K.A., 1986. A look at some rhyolite lavas of the Comerong Volcanics, southeastern N.S.W. Australia. Int. Volc. Congr. Abstr., p. 143.
Dadd, K.A., 1987. The stratigraphy and geochemistry of a bimodal, volcanic rift zone, southeastern Australia. Hawaii Symposium on How Volcanoes Work, Abstr., p. 50.
Dadd, K.A., 1989. The geology and geochemistry of a Devonian bimodal volcanic zone: The Comerong Volcanics, southeastern N.S.W., Australia. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Bulletin 131, p. 66.
Dadd, K.A., Van Wagoner, N.A., Baldwin, D.K., and McNeil, W., 1989. Cyclic, bimodal volcanism in a Siluro-Devonian continental volcanic zone: The Eastport Formation, southwestern New Brunswick. Atlantic Geoscience Society Colloquium Abstracts.
Dadd, K.A., 1991. The Eden - Comerong - Yalwal Volcanic Zone: A continental rift zone or not ? Tectonics and mineralisation of the Lachlan Fold Belt, Geological Society of Australia, Abstracts 29, p 14.
Dadd, K.A., 1991. Redeposited and primary volcanic facies in the Middle to Late Silurian Tumut Trough: deposition on an unstable continental edge. Bureau of Mineral Resources, Record 1991/25, p 29.
Dadd, K.A., 1992. Lateral facies variations in a Middle Silurian volcaniclastic apron: the inter-relationship of the Goobarragandra Volcanics and the Blowering Formation of southeastern N.S.W. Geological Society of Australia, Abstracts 32, p.138.
Dadd, K.A., 1993. The Honeysuckle Beds, southeastern NSW, Australia: the products of subduction-related, back-arc magmatism. IAVCEI Canberra, Abstracts.
Dadd, K.A., 1993. A back-arc setting for mafic rocks of the Honeysuckle Beds, southeastern NSW: the use of trace and rare earth element abundances determined by INAA. AINSE 8th Conference on Nuclear Techniques of Analysis, Lucas Heights.
Dadd, K.A., 1996. Megabreccia Blocks and Calderas in the Silurian Goobarragandra Volcanics, Southeastern NSW. Geological Society of Australia, Abstracts 41, p.103.
Van Wagoner, N.A., Dadd, K.A., Baldwin, D.K., and McNeil, W., 1989b. Cyclic, bimodal volcanism in a continental volcanic zone, southwestern New Brunswick, Canada. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Bulletin 131, p. 276.
Van Wagoner, N.A., Dadd, K.A., Baldwin, D.K., and McNeil, W., 1989a. Eruptive mechanisms and depositional styles of basaltic rocks in the Siluro-Devonian Eastport Formation, southwestern New Brunswick. Geological Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts, 14, p. A122.