GEMOC comunications

GEMOC WEB RESOURCES include details of this 2003 Annual Report, past Annual Reports, updated details on methods for new analytical advances and software updates (GLITTER), synthesised summaries of selected research outcomes (eg studies of eastern China lithosphere) and items for secondary school resources on the lithosphere and on diamond occurrence.  In addition, undergraduate teaching is web-based.

Nathan Daczko being presented the inaugural Chris Powell Medal by Prof. Peter Cawood.


Dr Nathan Daczko was awarded the inaugural Chris Powell Medal by the Structural Geology Specialist Group of the Geological Society of Australia.

Professor Bill Griffin was Logan Club Distinguished Lecturer, Geological Survey of Canada in February 2003 with the title “Continental Roots: their life and times” and also gave the Keynote address at the Lithoprobe Workshop in Canada in February 2003.

Professor Bill Griffin was elected to the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters in 2003.  He has been a Fellow  of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters for nearly  20 years.

GEMOC Director, Professor Sue O’Reilly was inducted into the Australian Academy of Science in May 2003 and gave a presentation “Journey to the Centre of the Earth”.  She was also awarded the position of visiting “Director of Research” by CNRS (France) and took this up as a 3 month research visit to the University Jean Monnet, St Etienne.

GEMOC was a Chief Investigator on a funded ARC Network Seeding Grant to foster further national networking (led by ANU, RSES).

Bill Griffin explains the SCLM to the masses at the 8th IKC.


GEMOC staff and postgraduates were again convenors or invited speakers or presenters at peak geodynamic and geochemical conferences with over 30 presentations.  International fora included: the West Norway Eclogite Field Symposium, the 8th International Kimberlite Conference, the 3rd State of the Arc Conference, the 13th V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, the 5th Hutton Symposium and the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.  Sonja Aulbach, Sonal Rege and Stuart Graham received full travel grants from the Organising Committee to present papers at the 2003 8th International Kimberlite Conference in Vancouver in June.  A full list of abstract titles for Conferences and Workshops attended is given in Appendix 4 and on the GEMOC website where full-text versions of most of the abstracts can also be found.

A major achievement in 2003 was the successful bid by Australia to host the 2006 International Goldschmidt Conference, led by Professor Simon Turner.

The International Workshop and Symposium “Granites and Associated Metallogenesis” was held at Macquarie in July 2003, organised by Professor Bruce Chappell (see Industry projects for more details).

Professor Simon Turner was a co-presenter, co-author and co-editor of the volume for the Mineralogical Society of America Short Course on Uranium Series Geochemistry.

The recognition of GEMOC’s expertise in linking the micron with the global is evidenced by the co-convening by Sue O’Reilly of the session “Composition, Processes and Structure of the Mantle” for the 2003 Goldschmidt Conference  in Japan and her co-editing of a Lithos issue  (to be published in 2004) recording results from the session “Trace-element fingerprinting: laboratory studies and petrogenetic processes” which she co-convened for the 2002 Goldschmidt Conference.

Bill Griffin and Sue O’Reilly were appointed by the IUGG (International Union of Geology and Geodesy) to be co-convenors for a Special Session “Geophysical and geochemical imaging and modelling of continental roots and beyond: implications for the formation and evolution of continents” at the International Geological Conference in Florence in 2004.

Dr Kuo-Lung Wang and  Professor Xisheng Xu at the 2003 Goldschmidt conference, Japan.


In addition to another year on the Physics, Chemistry and Geosciences ARC Expert Advisory Committee, Professor Sue O’Reilly was also a member of the Academy of Science National Committee for Earth Sciences that prepared the National Strategic Plan for the Geosciences in Australia.

GEMOC participants are well-represented on editorial boards of international journals, on international expert panels for research evaluation (Canada, Sweden, UK) and on Boards of Geoscience Department and Centres nationally and internationally.


GEMOC fosters links nationally and internationally through visits of collaborators to undertake defined short-term projects or short-term visits to give lectures and seminar sessions.  Formal collaborative arrangements are facilitated by ARC Linkage grants with reciprocal funding from international collaborators.

Australian and international visitors are listed in Appendix 3.

They have participated in:

collaborative research, technology exchange, seminars, discussions and joint publications, collaboration in postgraduate programs.

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Annual Report 2003