GEMOC communications 1998


1998 was a year of national and international highlights for GEMOC presentations with showcasing of many of our postgraduate research results.  The 7th International Kimberlite Conference was a very important platform for 23 papers published as extended abstracts (available on our website or as a collected volume from GEMOC).  There was much interest in our presentations ranging from the origin of diamonds in eastern Australia and the Slave Craton, Canada (site of the newest diamond mines) to the long-term irreversible changes we have documented in the Earth's lithospheric mantle.  Some of these are represented in the "Research highlights" section of this Report.  The Bruce Chappell Symposium honouring Professor Bruce Chappell was another highlight, jointly organised with AGSO and featuring GEMOC research results on crustal processes, mantle-crust interaction and metallogenesis (see Appendix 8).

Fieldwork in the Penghu Islands at the AGU Meeting in Taiwan. Organisation and sponsership of workshops and short courses in 1998

The Bruce Chappell Symposium: "Granites, Island Arcs, the Mantle and Ore Deposits"  The Bruce Chappell Symposium celebrated Bruce's 1998 Honours: election to the Australian Academy of Science and Mawson Lecturer for the Australian Geological Society

Workshop on "Southeastern China Lithosphere Evolution and Metallogenesis" held at Nanjing University

Geochemical Applications and Techniques, available to Honours and postgraduate students nationally

Short course "Tectonic Evolution of East and Southeast Asia: A Framework for
Reconstruction and Resources" used four volumes of notes and an interactive CD-ROM for distance-delivery (see Appendix 9)

Granite Workshop, University of Melbourne

Workshop for XRF Operators, ANU

School for Advanced XRF Techniques, ANU

Granite Workshop, AGCRC, CSIRO, Perth.

Convened session on "Metallogenesis in eastern Australia" at the 14th Australian Geological Convention

Co-convened session 7C on "Lithosphere Structure and Processes" at the 14th Australian Geological Convention

Co-convened session "Western Pacific Lithosphere Evolution and Magmatism: From Eastern Eurasia to Australia" at the American Geophysical Union Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Taiwan, July

Co-convened a session for "Characterisation of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary" for the IUGG International Assembly to be held in Birmingham, August 1999

Some of the GEMOC presence at the Australian Geological Convention, Townsville, July 1998 Participation in workshops and conferences in 1998

GEMOC had a high profile with presentations throughout 1998: all the abstracts are presented in our website (with continual updates).

7th International Kimberlite Conference, Cape Town, April

Australian Geodynamics Co-operative Research Centre (AGCRC) Symposium on Mineral Systems and the Crust - Upper Mantle of SE Australia, April

Active Tectonic Continental Basins, Ghent, Belgium, April -May

Japanese Society of Resource Geology, Tokyo, June

14th Australian Geological Convention, Townsville, July

AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Taipei, July

IGCP Project 420 First Workshop, Xinjian (China) July - August

The Eighth Annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference,Toulouse (France) August - September

Progress in Kerguelen Islands Geology Workshop, Saint-Etienne (France), September

Conference on High-P Granites, Perslak (Czech Republic) September

International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications, Cape Town (South Africa) October

The Bruce Chappell Symposium, Canberra, November

VIEPS Workshop on Laser Ablation ICP-MS, Melbourne, November

5th Australasian Symposium on Applied ICP-MS Spectrometry, Perth, November

Origin of the Earth and Moon, San Francisco (USA) December

American Geophysical Union Fall Annual Meeting, San Francisco (USA) December

Some of the GEMOC presence at the Australian Geological Convention, Townsville, July 1998

Bertrand Moine(back), Macquarie - Université Jean Monnet exchange Postgraduate with other participants at the Kerguelen workshop.

within GEMOC

Combined meetings of all GEMOC participants continued through 1998 to discuss results and progress reports on GEMOC activities and to plan research, teaching and industry strategies.

within Australia

Links were strengthened and/or initiated with other Australian institutions including visits and cooperation for use of equipment, collaborative research and publication, cooperative Short Course delivery and resource sharing. These institutions include:
University of New England

University of Sydney

La Trobe University

University of Newcastle

Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU

Queensland University of Technology

University of Technology, Sydney

University of New South Wales

University of Canberra

Monash University

University of Western Sydney




International links in 1998 have included:
Aerogeologiya, Moscow

Kiev State University, Ukraine

VSEGEI, St Petersburg

TsNIGRI, Moscow

Almazy Rossi-Sakha, Yakutia

Institute of Mineralogy, Novosibirsk

Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand

Ministry of Mines, Rangoon, Myanmar

Pune University, India

University of Jean Monnet, St Etienne, France

Nanjing University

China Academy of Sciences, Beijing

China Academy of Geoexploration, Beijing and Xi'an

China University of Geosciences, Beijing

China University of Geosciences, Wuhan

China Northwestern University of Xi'an

University of Oslo, Norway

University of Hawaii

Stanford University

Geological Museum, Paris

University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble

The Open University, UK

University of Cape Town

Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany

University of Taiwan

University of Texas, El Paso


GEMOC fosters links nationally and internationally through visits of collaborators to undertake defined short-term discrete projects or short-term visits to give lectures and seminar sessions (see Appendix 3)

GEMOC press

GEMOC Press has been set up as a vehicle to publish " Neoproterozoic and Phanerozoic Earth History of Australia" edited by John Veevers, Malcolm Walter and Erwin Scheibner.

GEMOC participants from Macquarie, ANU, CSIRO and AGSO at the combined meeting held at Macquarie in December 1998.


Annual Report 1998