ACILPAustralia China Institutional Links Program
AGSOAustralian Geological Survey Organisation
AINSEAustralian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering
AMIRAAustralian Mineral Industry Research Association
ANSTOAustralian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
ANUAustralian National University
APAAustralian Postgraduate Award
APA (I)Australian Postgraduate Award (Industry)
ARCAustralian Research Council
ARFAustralian Research Fellow (ARC Fellowship)
AusAIDAustralian Agency for International Development
BSEBack-Scattered Electrons
CRCCooperative Research Centre
CSIROCommonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organisation
DEETYADepartment of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs
DISTDepartment of Industry, Science and Technology
DSDPDeep Sea Drilling Program
ERDCEnergy Resources Development Commission
GAUGeochemical Analysis Unit (School of Earth Sciences, Macquarie University)
GISGeographic Information System
GLITTERGEMOC Laser ICPMS Total Trace Element Reduction
GPSGlobal Positioning System
HIAFHeavy Ion Analytical Facility
ICPMSInductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer
IRFInternational Research Fellow (IRF Fellowship)
IUGGInternational Union of Geology and Geodesy
LA-ICPMSLaser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer
LAMLaser Ablation Microprobe
MC-ICPMSMulti-Collector ICPMS
MUIPRAMacquarie University International Postgraduate Research Award
MURGMacquarie University Research Grants
MURFMacquarie University Research Fellowship
NMPNuclear Microprobe
NSFNational Science Foundation (USA)
ODPOcean Drilling Program (International Consortium)
OPRAOverseas Postgraduate Research Award
PDFPostdoctoral Fellow (ARC Fellowship)
PIGEProton Induced Gamma-ray Emission
PIXEProton Induced X-ray Emission
PMPProton Microprobe
QUTQueensland University of Technology
RSESResearch School of Earth Sciences at ANU
RTZExploration and Mining Company
SNMPScanning Nuclear Microprobe
SUCOGGSydney Universities Consortium of Geology and Geophysics
TILTargeted Institutional Links
UNUniversity of Newcastle
UNE University of New England
UNSWUniversity of New South Wales
XRFX-Ray Fluorescence

Annual Report 1997